Read the instructions.
Sell it to a space agency that promises it to use it as a wormhole.It needs to be aimed at our moon (Selene) and an exo-dwarf planet.
See, I don’t think water is the way to do it. I think you do it with a massive lead pole with teeth to lock into a gear.
Fully contained, no spillage
that looks just like me lol
I’m going to be really sad when I fire my first shot from my single use portal gun only to find out the surface needed to be coated with moon dust.
Make a drain hole at the bottom of a lake, that comes out above it. Put in a water wheel, free energy.
Never thought about it before, but I guess this makes portal guns impossible, since scenarios like this break conservation of energy.
Well, the videogame kind are definitely impossible, but if the gravitational field could travel through the portal then it would probably still conserve energy. The gravitational interactions around vertical portals would be exceptionally weird. If they were close enough, you’d probably experience weightlessness while in between them, but I can’t wrap my head around what would happen as they move further apart. That makes me hope someone tries to make a mod that models that in Portal…
Maybe entering the portal takes as much energy as it would take to climb the long way? If the other end is on the moon you have to enter at 10km/s or something else you fall right back out. Warning: I am not responsible for damage caused by extreme tidal forces.
But you know it’s possible from firsthand experience. Whomsth’n’t reached terminal velocity by shooting the ceiling & floor and jumping in?
One at the white house, one at the sun.
Be carefully secret service is now on to you. Maybe add /s so they know you’re joking and not intending any harm to dumb animals there
He meant to say “In portal”
One on my butt, one in the toilet, never need to poop again!
Bonus points if someone finds the toilet 😉
You’re pooping on the oval office’s desk arent you
I would make one portal in Tokyo or some busy city and other in another busy city and i will sell tickets to ride between the two. Or i will put them on some sheet of something that i can move so i can change destinations but in game if i move the surface under portal it will dissapear
I’ve always wanted to fuck my own ass.
Won’t work, as you thrust your ass will pull away. Only way I could think of is having the portals on platforms that would move with you.
I appreciate your in depth analysis of this situation.
Uhh huh huh… you said depth.
Maybe it would just double the friction.
Save it. I don’t have anything currently that I would want to use a portal gun on given that I can only use it once. I might use it to get myself out of a sticky situation, or wait to see if I ever move into a relatively permanent home and I could make a portal from my house to another location for convenience.
So it’ll be just like the bag full of Maximum Heal potions when the credits roll, except I imagine you could pass it on to someone with a message not to wait for the perfect moment.
Maybe, but I don’t particularly feel the need to use a portal gun. If I never end up using it I don’t think I’d have particular regrets, but if I used it to save my ass during a high-stakes situation then I’d be quite glad.
I would put one portal on a pneumatically actuated plate above a dais that holds an object, and the other portal on a plate placed at a 45 degree angle. I would then see if an object on the dais would fly or fall out of the 45 degree portal, if the other portal actuated and closed the distance between its starting point and the dais.
How would you fix evaporation I’m dumb at this stuff
Anti-evaperation field, or just let rain do it’s thing
Reverse-engineer it and build an unlimited-use portal gun, of course!
Open a portal to the moon at the bottom of the ocean
Reverse engineer it
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