When the dog makes the barf noise.
horking noises 👀 👀 👀 👀
The threat of homelessness (again).
A kiss and a coffee from my husband before he leaves for work. Best part of my day <3
A really annoying cat.
Our twins jumping on my back. Unlike an alarm, I can’t turn them off and go back to sleep.
6 alarms each a minute apart. 5 from my phone and 1 from my Google home.
My mom used to have to dump ice water on me to get me outta bed for school.
Once I’m asleep I’m pretty sure you could throw me outta an airplane and I wouldn’t wake up.
A full glass of water, a shower, and then pulling a shot of espresso. Each step gives the energy for the next.
Hunger and the need to do stuff to go through this life with less pain than otherwise.
Having the dogs chasing some unwitting neighbourhood cat that jumped the wall over to the backyard.
I have a hard time with this and I also sleep with exceptionally good ear plugs.
My solution was to purchase an alarm clock made for people hard of hearing.
It has a mattress shaker in addition to a super loud alarm, either can be toggled. I typically use the mattress shaker. The first time I used it I sprung out of bed in a panic because I thought that the building was collapsing, so I can verify they are very effective.
Things you can do to prevent yourself from returning to sleep after disabling the alarm include putting your alarm at the foot of the bed instead of to the side of the bed (This way, you have to physically get up to go turn it off), and insuring it is warm in the room when you get up (If it is cold, you will instinctively want to go back underneath the covers). A space heater on a timer set to begin 15 minutes before your alarm goes off helps with this.
Another reason people don’t want to get up is because they have performed no real preparation for waking up. By this I mean to have your coffee machine timed to preheat just before you get up, set up your breakfast the night before so that it is easy to make and consume in the morning, have the clothes you intend to wear laid out so that its easy to get dressed, etc.
In short, it is generally good to make it difficult to keep sleeping, but also easier to wake up.
Open curtains and a full morning sun
light. used to struggle hard to wake up even with several loud alarms, but a bright light turning on before my alarm made it so much easier. especially nice is a smart bulb that brightens slowly.
Oh you want wake up call
Just a few years ago we were talking about preventing global warming to go beyond 1.5°C but now in 2024 we already crossed 1.5 and also briefly touched 1.9
There are more wars happening now than a decade ago. The fact that we came this close to Russia-Ukraine war and Israel Iran Gaza war getting combined when Russia sent its fighter jets to Syria while Israeli troops were on ground in Syria.
There is a ever increasing talk about de-globalization. Even though that was one of major things that kept us at relative peace for almost last 100 years.
Wealth inequality is now worse than it was during French revolution.
And so more