The American military industrial complex is salivating right now
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
The American military industrial complex is salivating right now
Obligatory “not me, but a friend” story.
In highschool I used to hang out with some stoners from time to time. As most stoners do they experiment with all the different ways you can get high on pot. One way they came to enjoy quite a bit was filling up the bong with ice and Gatorade. It gave the hits a nice fruity flavor and they hit nice and cool.
Only problem was that stoners are notoriously lazy and of course they forgot to clean out the bong after doing one of the Gatorade and ice sessions.
Anyway we were having a little party/gathering and a girl from our class who was kinda new and trying to fit in with the stoner crowd was there. As the party went on one thing led to another and we were all super drunk and super high (we had smoked joints that day) when somehow the topic of truth or dare came up. Obviously there was the usual nonsense of kiss so and so. Text so and so something. Eventually the new girl loudly blurted out that she would do any dare no matter what it was. Without skipping a beat the host of the party told her to drink the moldy used Gatorade water from the bong that we had used last weekend and it had been sitting outside since.
She grabbed that bong with so much confidence and CHUGGED that moldy weed run off like it was any old beer. She slammed down the bong victoriously and then tried to shout something at all of us, but before she could get a whole syllable out she proceeded to projectile vomit all over everyone. Since she was drunk she tried to cover her mouth as she continued to spray moldy Gatorade and pot juice everywhere, but that only acted like a sprinkler system to further spread out the vomit which was now coming up as more of the alcohol and whatever else she had been eating that day.
That was one of the best/worst parties I had ever been at. She was taken into the bathroom to be showered and changed by one of the other girls at the party and the rest of us had to start cleaning because the parents of the guys house we were at were nice enough to let us party there often and we didn’t wanna make them regret it. If I remember correctly she offered to pay to get the carpets steam cleaned, but we had already done that while she was passed out lol.
I’m not entirely sure I’m comfortable with having spiders large enough to write on. I know they exist but now that I’ve thought about it I don’t like it.
They are forgetting that TERRIBLE design choice where if you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek it swells up making it easier to bite it on accident again and again.
I think I know a really funny prank we can pull with the next supplies shipment to the space station lol.
I used to live up near Lake Tahoe. I lost count of how many city folk would think all wheel drive would be enough and skipped chains/cables.
One of our favorite things was watching people pour hot coffee or water on their frozen windshield. Man that never stopped being hilarious to watch. They would often just stand there in disbelief after their windshield shattered lol.
We had blackberries in our backyard growing up. Every year we would cut and dig up as much of every plant as we could possibly see and we would scrape the top 6 inches of soil to move it far away.
We would burn them all before we churned the soil and burned some more.
We tried every trick and “natural” solution people recommended, but nothing ever stopped them from coming back.
My super hippy mom got so fed up she bought turbo cancer death chemicals and sprayed them everywhere. The blackberries finally stopped coming back.
It’s been 15 years and shes still mad that’s how she finally got rid of the blackberries.
I never said it wasn’t a shitty system. Just that 900 bucks over the course of 5 years is not an unfathomably amount of money to pay for something. I’ve spent more than 900 on a single car repair several times in my life. Unless they have been living in abject poverty I just don’t see how they couldn’t have paid it off by now. Median American income for a household is 80k. Yeah they aren’t living in luxury but they can afford the occasional expense.
They are an American. It’s not like 900 dollars is some insurmountable of money to pay off in 5 years. 180 bucks a year. 15 bucks a month.
That’s literally a Spotify subscription.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it.
Ah. I guess that makes sense. I only ever go on social media from my phone so I will only be viewing Lemmy through the lens of Sync I guess. Thanks for the info.
Thank you for the info. Are there any other symbols or site quirks I should know about?
6 alarms each a minute apart. 5 from my phone and 1 from my Google home.
My mom used to have to dump ice water on me to get me outta bed for school.
Once I’m asleep I’m pretty sure you could throw me outta an airplane and I wouldn’t wake up.
Fan for air flow and noise (I’ve got tinnitus). Rub one out. Small glass of cold water. I’ll roll over and pass tf out in seconds.
Highly recommended, but not necessary: Take an edible ~ 2 hours before you wanna go to sleep so you’re in the middle of riding that high when it’s time to crash.
When I was ~10 I was running around the house with a white bedsheet over my head. I was pretending to be a ghost while I chased my older brother around the house. Unfortunately I slipped backwards on the sheet and hit the back of my head on my mom’s solid oak coffee table. Immediately blood started soaking the sheet red and I obviously screamed out in pain. My mom came running into the living room to find me screaming and the sheet just turning more and more red.
At this time we lived about an hour away from the nearest hospital and my mom knew if she tried to take me in for stitches that I would probably bite the doctor or something (I have a pathological fear of needles). So she opted to shave my head and tape it shut. Then she instructed my brother to keep me awake for the next few hours (she was worried about a concussion) and she let me watch whatever movie or play whatever video game I wanted for the rest of the day.
It healed fine and now I have a small scar on the back of my head that is only visible if I shave my hair super short.
Not shown: all the glass containers that exploded trying this method.
Probably better to do this with a metal bottle lol.
I love how we anthropomorphize anything and everything.