College professor saying open source software is shit since “everyone can modify it”
I had an intro to sociology prof spend an entire lecture on full blown anti vax conspiracy shit.
Also had a bio prof take 5 during an anatomy lecture to give a teary eyed plea for the young women in class to not ruin one of the ‘fundamental joys of motherhood’ by getting their nipples pierced.
I forget if it was on the day or day after, but while the events of 9/11 were unfolding or coming to light I had a social studies teacher claim the plane that crashed in the field was an attack on our agriculture.
Our physics teacher and our chemistry teacher had an ongoing civil riff on whether or not electrons exist.
We’d hear one side of the argument in Chemistry and then parrot it to him in Physics, and he’d give us a rebuttal and we’d parrot it back to her in Chemistry. This went on for about two weeks.
Looking back on it, I’m pretty sure they discussed it in the staff room beforehand, but at the time it felt like a real smackdown.
8th grade Earth Science teacher. I shared a fun little factoid I had just learned: if you’re standing on the North Pole, every direction is south.
She disagreed and spent like 20 minutes explaining why that was wrong. I didn’t understand most of what she was trying to convey, but I do remember hearing “you can go north but in a southerly direction.”
6th grade health teacher told the class that studies show evidence of increased breast cancer risk for those that have had an abortion. This was in a suburban Illinois school.
I had a teacher who claimed that dinosaurs weren’t real. She said that people just naturally love patterns so when we find random bones we arrange them into shapes we like. Someone in the class said what about skulls that are just one bone and she ignored it lol.
That was many years ago and it’s still stuck in my memory as one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.
Had a history teacher insiste that people can’t live without clothes on. As in, you actually fucking due quickly after getting naked.
To be “fair” I think that it was more a case of her being mad that I corrected her “pyramid of needs” than her defending her actual opinion.
Maslow is overrated.
5th grade biology teacher explaining to me why teleportation is bad, referencing that Cronenberg movie with the fly
my 7th grade biology teacher dedicated a lesson to why evolution was false and her base argument was that she never evolved in her entire life, therefore evolution was false.
i suspect that a majority of the students agreed w her.
Teachers loved telling you about shit they saw in movies and passing it off as wisdom
Biomedical engineering professor teaching an entire course on how DNA in its natural state is not actually a double helix and that Watson and Crick were wrong. The guy spent decades of his career after getting tenure pushing this crusade of his. It was a great class and I loved it.
interesting, do you have any research papers about this?
Only boring people get bored.
Utter nonsense but it was said to my boy by a junior school teacher. Was an interesting conversation when I talked to her at parent teacher day.
Sounds like the words of a boring teacher who’s incapable of meaningful self-reflection as to what they could maybe improve upon
Had a substitute teacher once who thought that the word Hell was a bad word even when referring to the location.
My high school chem teacher, while explaining soap micelles, went on a tangent saying that we don’t really need soap to wash ourselves and that he personally never used soap while bathing, I liked that teacher but TMI and gross.
I told my students to go flux themselves today