Almost all the links in my front homepage are sponsored now. What’s next, a few ads in the bookmark bar? How about when I enter a URL, I then have to type “McDonald’s” before I can actually navigate there?
Ads are one thing, but this seems excessive and probably unintentional. Looks like someone just filed this bug, which is another sign that it might be an unintentional problem:
I think the downvoters can’t hold these two thoughts in their mind at the same time:
- Firefox is the best browser.
- Firefox has serious problems because Mozilla is a terrible steward of it.
Let the people downvote. These points don’t matter. I turned off the visibility of points. I am immune, my morale is unbreakable. The downvoters have no power here!
Firefox is the best browser
It’s only real competitors, in my eyes, are Firefox forks.
These can be turned off. Not great that they’re on by default, but you gotta pay the bills somehow right?
People keep giving Mozilla shit for taking money from Google, yet they see an ad for a different company and lose their shit.
Yeah, this is basically the least offensive thing possible that ensures the lights stay on.
The only thing really offensive about it, judging from the post, is that they’re positioned before the user’s pins, not after.
I was okay with it before for that reason, but they went to far (as all eventually do).
Settings -> Homepage:
Uncheck everything “sponsored”.
It’s already done but I appreciate you being helpful. My black heart wiggled one time from the kindness you have shown here today. Peace.
Just turn it off. If they don’t have income they don’t exist.
Mozilla already has Scrooge McDuck amounts of money. It doesn’t need any more to maintain a browser and an email client.
From jwz, who founded Mozilla & Firefox:
Preemptive subtwit.
Let’s say you run a nonprofit animal shelter. And for some reason, some people feel you should be seeing hockey-stick growth, but the donations aren’t covering it.
So you decide to start up a side-line of selling kittens for meat.
Then you will inevitably have someone stroking their chin and saying, 'Yes, yes, but how could they afford to stay open if they weren’t selling kitten deli slices?"
Some might say – maybe you aren’t an animal shelter any more. Some might say.
It’s a real shame what’s happened to Mozilla. Maybe Trump will add browser software to the list of sanctions on China and we’ll end up with a Deepfox in a year or two.
And it will be running on Deepin also
While this analysis is somewhat convincing, let’s not forget that for now Firefox is all we have. Important not to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
In my ideal scenario, Mozilla becomes like the Wikimedia Foundation. Which has somehow also accumulated “Scrooge McDuck amounts” of cash but seems to be on a firmer footing and better managed.
It’s amazing what you can pull off with free labour and CIA funding. I also find it funny how that donation banner still shows up every year when they’ve already accumulated so much capital.
This has been the case for several years. Super easy to turn them off
Cool. Willing to say how or is that a secret?
There is a settings gear icon on that literal page that says customize next to it iirc
See ads, “how dare they” Sees paid version, “how dare they” Development costs time and money, pick your poison.
I was okay with the sponsored links, but now this is affecting the functionality of the app. My phone is shit and I have a hard time sliding to the next page.
but now this is affecting the functionality of the app
This shit irks me so much, because it keeps happening!
There’s this feature that makes your address bar randomly auto complete sponsored URLs instead of your actual history. Pretty fucking annoying to type
and have Netflix pop up, even though I don’t use it.When you disable this “feature”, it still breaks your autocomplete! Now instead of suggesting Netflix, it just sometimes doesn’t suggest anything before I continue typing.
If you must add these anti-features to pay for your CEO, at least don’t break the app when it’s disabled!
How do you get this? My home page just has some recent links
You should see brave lol
I bailed on brave when I learned more about the shenanigans that one dude pulled.
And Brave has significantly lower costs, given they don’t develop an own engine, but rather just put lipstick onto Chromium.
Also, not being able to set the home button to a custom URL is fucking crazy. I want the home button to take me to my selfhosted dashboard that has all my services and links on it. I don’t want the home button to take me to the dumbass firefox page and have to click another link to get to it.
Been using Kiwi instead for this sole reason but now Kiwi is dead. I’m not willing to concede this workflow and make an extra click because Mozilla is braindead and can’t implement a functional home button like every single browser since the beginning of time.
We are talking about the Android version moron
Well first of all, rude! Second, where was that stated? Oh it wasn’t? You just felt like being a little bitch on the Internet for no reason? Honestly, relatable.
The screenshot of this post is literally the Android start page that took over having a homepage, moron.
As is mine. But the post and discussion itself are about sponsored links on the home page which are present and look exactly the same across platforms. You’re the only one talking about the android app. Despite making zero clarifying statements in your original post, you still have the audacity to lie like anyone else is with you on this, and call me names when all I’ve done is go out of my way to try and help you. Well, suck my whole ass, dick!
Funny how others knew it was Android but you couldn’t figure it out, hmmmmm
You can set it to custom and to my knowledge that’s always been true.
You literally can not, how fucking dumb are you. Go ahead, show me how on Android firefix you can set the home button to a specific URL. You cant, you fucking imbecile
I think the best viable option for them is to either offer a subscription model. Or increase requests for donations.
If they make some money from harmless icons, I mean, I can live with it
I was fine with 2. Having all but one icon in the tray be an ad is too much.
This is why I torrent firefox pro using Limewire.
The best thing about this is that you can turn it off
Then turn it off?
Also, I rarely use Firefox on my phone and my links are still all from websites I’ve visited.
Don’t give them any ideas