Almost all the links in my front homepage are sponsored now. What’s next, a few ads in the bookmark bar? How about when I enter a URL, I then have to type “McDonald’s” before I can actually navigate there?
Almost all the links in my front homepage are sponsored now. What’s next, a few ads in the bookmark bar? How about when I enter a URL, I then have to type “McDonald’s” before I can actually navigate there?
Also, not being able to set the home button to a custom URL is fucking crazy. I want the home button to take me to my selfhosted dashboard that has all my services and links on it. I don’t want the home button to take me to the dumbass firefox page and have to click another link to get to it.
Been using Kiwi instead for this sole reason but now Kiwi is dead. I’m not willing to concede this workflow and make an extra click because Mozilla is braindead and can’t implement a functional home button like every single browser since the beginning of time.
We are talking about the Android version moron
Well first of all, rude! Second, where was that stated? Oh it wasn’t? You just felt like being a little bitch on the Internet for no reason? Honestly, relatable.
The screenshot of this post is literally the Android start page that took over having a homepage, moron.
As is mine. But the post and discussion itself are about sponsored links on the home page which are present and look exactly the same across platforms. You’re the only one talking about the android app. Despite making zero clarifying statements in your original post, you still have the audacity to lie like anyone else is with you on this, and call me names when all I’ve done is go out of my way to try and help you. Well, suck my whole ass, dick!
Funny how others knew it was Android but you couldn’t figure it out, hmmmmm
You can set it to custom and to my knowledge that’s always been true.
You literally can not, how fucking dumb are you. Go ahead, show me how on Android firefix you can set the home button to a specific URL. You cant, you fucking imbecile