EDIT; I can’t reply to everyone individually but thanks for all the suggestions! Opiates are out of the question, doctors here will only prescribe those in terms of absolutely extreme suffering or end of life care. I also don’t particularly feel interested in developing a hard drug habit. Diclofenac and such are available but also only on separate prescriptions, I’d have to visit another doctor for that. I’m well stocked on paracetamol & ibuprofen, and apart from that, lots of ice cream, pudding & soup :)

Also, since a fair few people seem to doubt the veracity of my story, here’s the 22 extracted teeth (the other 10 were already gone in previous extractions).

  • oxjox@lemmy.ml
    29 days ago

    Did you and your doctor not have this conversation!?

    Or are you more inclined to listen to the internet over the person who’s job it is to pull all your teeth out of your head?

    Answer: Oxy.

  • lattrommi@lemmy.ml
    29 days ago

    Hi. You’ve gotten a lot of comments already. I hope this one is not lost in the pile.

    When I was 39 I had all my remaining teeth extracted in one go. There were somewhere between 12 and 18, since many were remnants and not whole teeth.

    Due to the fact that previously in my life I had addictions of many kinds, mostly alcohol and meth related, I was not prescribed opiates. When the procedure was done, I was awake and given only a local anesthetic.

    After they were removed, I was given Amoxicillin (antibiotic) and Prednisone (steriod). They recommended I take Ibuprofen and to avoid acetaminophen (same as paracetamol i think). The latter due to many over the counter versions of it have caffiene. That brings me to my first advice.

    Avoid caffeine at all costs. It will increase your pain, make you edgier and you may grind your gums in your sleep. Check your paracetamol packaging, make sure it does not have caffeine. You might want to avoid it regardless because it can irritate your stomach lining and you’ll be swallowing a lot of blood which increases your chance of vomiting.

    If you vomit, you will almost certainly get dry socket.

    You do not want dry socket.

    Ice cream is painful. Anything too cold or too hot is painful. Soup should be room temperature.

    Bouillon cubes aren’t bad, if you can get liquid soup stock or broth, it works better.

    Do not eat breads for at least a week or two. It sticks to you clots. That can easily lead to dry socket.

    You do not want dry socket.

    Same thing with (american) bananas. They might seem perfect but they can cause dry socket potentially from their stickiness.

    I have had dry socket. Once from smoking cigarettes. Once from being clumsy with a spoon. It was the worst pain of my life until I had to pass a few kidney stones.

    Avoid foods that require cooking. You don’t want to cook.

    One a day shakes should be your new best friend. Meal replacement shakes. Here in the states they come in chocolate and vanilla and don’t taste terrible. Brands include Ensure, Boost, Slimfast and a ton of others. They are packed with protein. They often have vitamins in them too. You can just pour the shake right into the back of your gullet. Bypass your gums and tongue entirely.

    Another medication to consider is sleeping pills. I’m spelling them wrong but see if you can get Amitryptaline or Tramadol. Sleep as much as you can while your body heals.

    Water, water, water.

    Drink at least 2 liters a day. Never drink more than 1 liter in an 8 hour period because water poisoning is very uncomfortable. If your pee is clear, you don’t need to drink water for awhile. The better hydrated you are, the faster you will heal. Drink a lot of water after drinking one of those meal replacement shakes if you can find them. Your body will absorb the water better. Same applies to the soup stock.

    On that note, shower. If it is too painful, take a bath. Again, this helps you stay hydrated, plus is will improve your mood possibly, which in itself can ease the pain.

    Move. Walk around the block if you can. You want to get your heart rate up and keep it up for about 15 minutes, twice a day. Again, this helps your body heal faster. Walking is great unless you are a daily runner, in which case run. Walking is enough for most people.

    A perfect routine would be:

    1. Wake up. Drink some water.
    2. Drink a protein shake and some water. Take your medications with them.
    3. Walk around the block. Or if unsafe or to pained, walk in place. Get that heart rate up.
    4. Shower or bath.
    5. Go back to sleep.
    6. Repeat 3-4x per day, depending on how much you can sleep. It gets harder to sleep the more your do it. The exercise helps a lot.

    I am not a dentist or medical professional.

    I am not a professional of any kind.

    This advice is all from personal experience.

    Here’s some useless personal information that can be skipped:

    December of 2021 when my teeth were all removed. Since then I have gotten dentures. They didn’t fit and hurt to wear and needed adjustments, but the dentist that made them quit the business a week after I got them. Other dentists would not take my insurance or work on them for liability purposes. Sucks being in america. I opted to get implants instead. I’m supposed to have a full set of teeth in about a month, at age 42, for the first time in my entire adult life.

    Good luck. May dry socket never happen to you.

    Edit after reading a few of the comments here.

    Fuck these naysayers that think you’re making this up. Even if you are, fuck 'em. Trying to shit on a person while they are already down. No benefit at all, just cynics, they’re disgusting.

    I’m going to add that my teeth were in terrible shape long before I had addiction problems. My dental problems were due to braces getting fucked up and mangled beyond belief by a scammy dentist/ortho.

    Medicaid and Medicare can be free healthcare in the states. While I don’t think OP is in the states, it is a thing that the poorest of people can receive and the care is exactly what you pay for. All the questions about speaking to a doctor or the dentist about pain management are laughable, knowing that for the poor in the states, that simply doesn’t happen in many areas.

    People saying OP deserved it from not brushing or questions about how one could need a full extraction at age 40 are ignorant and can’t summon even the smallest bit of empathy. These types along with the naysayers can go fuck off back to reddit or 4chan or whereever they came from. They are not adding to the conversation.

    If you have read all this, anyone not just OP, I hope you have a nice day.

    • Krzd@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      Fantastic writeup!

      A teeny tiny correction, taking a bath will in fact dehydrate you (only a small bit, unless you have a Swimmingpool and move, then it’ll dehydrate you much more)

      • lattrommi@lemmy.ml
        27 days ago

        I was not aware of bathing causing dehydration but I can see how it makes sense. Thanks for the correction!

  • Mothra@mander.xyz
    29 days ago

    +1 wondering why someone in their 40s had to have all teeth extracted. I’m really sorry.

    • Kyrgizion@lemmy.worldOP
      29 days ago

      I’ve had issues with my teeth almost since birth. My parents both had full dentures by ages 25 or so. It was definitely a combination of genetics and bad oral hygiene. I was actually glad to get them all out now because I’ve suffered from debilitating pain for weeks at least once or twice every single year of my life.

      • TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        I feel you. I grew up on well water (no fluoride), have a genetic predisposition for terribly crooked teeth, and wasn’t taught basic oral hygiene until I was legally an adult.

        I’ve had several extractions but every time it has been either an abscess or an impacted tooth, so just the relief from that pain was almost like a drug itself. About half my teeth are fake at this point and the ones that are left are in pretty good shape because they weren’t too far gone when I actually learned how to properly take care of them.

        • JoYo@lemmy.ml
          29 days ago

          fluoride in water doesn’t do much to prevent tooth decay.

          the fluoride in toothpaste is what does all heavy lifting.

          • TexasDrunk@lemmy.world
            29 days ago

            Fluoride in water can help if you’re not taught proper care and feeding of teeth, but you are right. The fluoride in toothpaste is what should be doing the heavy lifting.

      • CascadianGiraffe@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        I’m in a similar situation. Have tried to get where you’re at, but have been quoted in the $30,000 price range. There is no insurance that covers any of that cost, and they all want payment up front.

        Any suggestions?

      • Mothra@mander.xyz
        29 days ago

        Thanks for sharing - I’m glad to know this is an improvement for you in spite of everything. I hope the pain eases soon!

  • Etterra@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    Do what I did as a kid getting my wisdom teeth removed. Have your mother steal the prescription meds and then suffer for two weeks with Tylenol.

  • RenardDesMers@lemmy.ml
    28 days ago

    I still don’t understand how a lot of our organs evolved to self repair and generally be so sophisticated but our teeth need so much care to avoid pain and infection.

  • Akasazh@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    I don’t know what your dentist is on (he must be high on something) to agree to remove all your teeth at once.

    I had all my wisdom teeth pulled and they did that two per side, as otherwise the sedative would relax the tounge muscle, which might cause you to choke. After that I got sent home with a big stack of painkillers (NSAIDS, no opiates).

    I’d look for a different dentist tbh, but thats a bit late now.

    • BaroqueInMind@lemmy.ml
      29 days ago

      OP likely had a disgusting rotting mouth, with deep gingival pockets-of-pus, from never flossing and brushing their fucking teeth.

      My friend is a periodontal surgeon and tells me the most horrendously disgusting shit people tolerate (sometimes with photos) and that level of extraction that OP is complaining about sounds close to one of his very gory horrific descriptions of people neglecting simple oral hygiene.

      • LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world
        29 days ago

        My stepfather has constant, disgusting mouth infections because he eats terribly, never cares for his teeth, and smokes. Bro had a pocket of puss inside his mouth that made him look like he was keeping a golfball in his mouth. He won’t go to a dentist because he claims his mouth can’t be numbed. He says it just doesn’t work. In reality, he’s just scared. Man never goes to a doctor for anything because he’s scared.

        • khannie@lemmy.world
          29 days ago

          he claims his mouth can’t be numbed

          This is a thing. My wife has to get lots of extra shots of the gum numbing stuff. Her first dentist as a kid didn’t believe her that she could still feel and it caused her huge trauma.

          • LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world
            28 days ago

            We have found a bunch of sedation dentists for my stepfather and he always cancels appointments last minute. His mouth is literally rotting. I can’t comprehend how he can be okay with his mouth being in that state. It could kill him so easy

  • Nounka@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    Those rocket icecreems Cold pack

    Eat stuff you don’t have to shew… So you don t open the wounds again.

    2% betadine mouth wash… Not against pain but to keep more pain away.

    I love the 1000 paracetamol with codeine alternated with brufen 600.

    In a day or 2 it will be beter. Hang on.

  • medgremlin@midwest.social
    29 days ago

    Alternating the paracetamol and ibuprofen on a schedule is the best recommendation I can give. Severe pain, especially post-operative pain, is best managed by taking the pain meds before the pain sets in. The ibuprofen is also an NSAID and the swelling and inflammation are big contributors to pain.

    The schedule that I always recommend is:

    • 0800: 650-1000mg paracetamol (acetaminophen)
    • 1200: 600-800mg ibuprofen
    • 1600: 650-1000mg paracetamol (acetaminophen)
    • 2000: 600-800mg ibuprofen
    • (and in the first day or two after surgery, set alarms to wake up and take pain meds at 0000 and 0400 on the same pattern if the pain is really bad.)

    This pattern keeps you covered on pain control, and you can shorten the intervals to every 3 hours if this isn’t enough without exceeding daily dose limits on either medication. If you are an American reading this and you’re also taking something like Norco, make sure to account for the acetaminophen/tylenol/paracetamol that’s in those because exceeding the recommended dose on that one is bad news for your liver.

    Like some other folks have said, warm saline (salt water) rinses and soft or liquid foods are going to help as well.

  • Hikermick@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    I had an infected tooth and the pain was awful. The dentist told me to take four ibuprofen. When I mentioned the instructions said no more than two at a time he said it was okay for a short period of time.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    I had a friend do this. It was utter misery for over a year. Most of his teeth were shattered, so he had to wait for a lot of fragments to expel naturally.

    Do not discount pain management that involves opioids. Not saying to use them for weeks nor do I know your personality for bad habits, but if it gets bad please don’t suffer for no reason. Getting ibuprofen or acetaminophen with low dose codine may be a good middle ground and is even available over the counter in some countries. Extended pain is mentally exhausting and isn’t worth the hit on your mental health.

    f you are struggling taking pills, get liquid ibuprofen. Sometimes you can get a chemist to make a suspension for you, otherwise get childrens. I do that if my throat gets too infected and I am unable to swallow. Honestly, it works far better than the pills and I needed a lot less.

    Best thing is to be honest with your doctors, even if you do not want anything stronger. Be sure to communicate any discomfort due to ill fitting dentures. Ask questions if anything unexpected comes up. My friend’s doctor was super shitty and didn’t even tell him about all of the left over fragments that still had to come out on their own.

  • indomara@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    Clove oil. You can get it in a tiny vial at the chemist. You pick off small bits of cotton, roll them into little balls, and dip into the clove oil. Wring out most of it against the side of the bottle, then place directly on the site of pain and bite.

    In your case you might want to make strips of cotton or something.

    It tastes absolutely horrible and will make your whole mouth numb, but it is antiseptic and will give you enough relief to sleep.

  • Aevironis@lemmy.world
    29 days ago

    Not sure what’s available where you’re at without a prescription, but I recommend Orajel or any equivalent ulcer/tooth ache gel.

    In addition to the other things you’re already using, you can steep black tea bags in warm water and gently bite on that. The tannins help with bleeding and inflammation.

    A mouthwash or spray with Cetylpyridinium Chloride in the ingredients list will help with healing, but don’t buy a mouthwash that has alcohol/isopropyl in the ingredients. Dentyl, Oral B Gum detoxify, Parodontax, Biotene Dry Mouth Spray are all good.

    I had several teeth removed from my inside my jaw that never came out and had a bone graft placed in the area that had to heal for 6 months before dental implants were placed. The mouthwash definitely helped me heal faster from that surgery than when I had my wisdom teeth out the year before and didn’t use any. Just do a gentle rinse dont swish it around hard! You don’t want to disturb the blood clots and get dry socket.

    I hope you start to feel better soon!