Was surprised I started mixing up left and right after I broke my right-hand wrist while biking.
Turns out I subconsciously associated “right” for the direction my stronger hand was on, and once my left hand started feeling like the more dominant one during recovery - my brain would automatically choose that “right” should be on my left-hand side instead, until I actively thought about which direction is which.
This gradually decreased out as my right hand recovered and got back to being the dominant one over the next few years, but was eye-opening what shortcuts my brain uses for such basic things.
Tell right from left without thinking about it.
Read a map, unless it’s oriented the way I am facing. My mind will not flip it.
Process sugar (diabeetus)
Associates faces with names easily.
Like I’ll remember who you are, but I won’t remember your name. Got me into trouble a few times
Edit: also forgot, but this includes associating the names of places. Combined with the fact that I can’trememberr paths and situate places I see IRL on a map, I get lost often.
I can’t whistle. Honestly I think it’s because one of my lower front teeth is crooked, twisted at an angle. 🤷♂️
Me neither, and for the same reason.
I lost my ability to whistle in a tragic playground accident when my front teeth met the skull of a friend travelling in the other direction. Ever since, crooked front tooth.
Be myself.
I’ve never been able to ride a bike without at least one hand on the handlebars.
I’ll never lead a nation with a microphone, a microphone
How is this basic?
Most people in my country can do it.
Put the ball into an open net in Rocket League.
Not me but my partner is 36 yrs old and can’t swim.
I can’t wink. Other people make it seem so easy, the best I can do is a scrunched up face with a sliver of one eye open enough to see
Strange, can you blink at all?
Not sure if you’re joking, but blinking is fine. It’s blinking one at a time that’s the problem
Not joking at all, apologies if that came off as rude
It did not, it’s just that sarcasm/irony is common on the internet, and tone is hard to convey just from written text. I was not offended at all, but thanks for being a nice person on the internet and apologizing anyways!
Calculate a fucking tip
For a bill of 15.73, move the decimal over once to the left. You get 1.57. (drop the 3). That’s ten percent. Let’s say it’s 1.50.
Half of that is 75¢. Half of ten percent is five percent so now you have ten percent and five percent. Add them together to get 15%: 1.50 + 0.75 = $2.25 = 15% tip.
20% is even easier. If ten percent is 1.50, twenty percent is double that: $3.00
I literally can’t read that.
Alternatively, pressing 0 can be quite easy.
recognize, remember, confront people. anything people.
Fold long sleeve buttoned shirts
Fold a fitted sheet!
Figure out when a kettle of piratoes is ready. I can cook a lot of stuff, but when boiling potatoes I always need my GF to check if they’re ready.
Edit: potatoes. No fucking idea what happened with my spelling
Brushing my teeth too close after eating. If I do it, I will throw up.
It’s bad to brush your teeth after eating.
The reason for that is that when acids are in the mouth, they weaken the enamel of the tooth, which is the outer layer of the tooth,” Rolle says. Brushing immediately after consuming something acidic can damage the enamel layer of the tooth.
Source: https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/brushing-immediately-after-meals-you-may-want-wait
Did not know that. But I’m not talking immediatly, I mean I’m lucky if I could manage within an hour after eating.