• A few years back it snowed in Seattle, which is uncommon. I saw a video where folks were having a snowball fight, as you do. A snowball entered the partially open window of a driver. The lady proceeded to Hop the curb, and drive up some embankments trying to hit people with her car.

    For a fuckin snowball.

  • @fubarx@lemmy.ml
    54 months ago


    Followers stake the moral upper ground and turn otherwise awful douchebags into martyrs.

  • Dr. Coomer
    54 months ago

    A frozen yogurt (no joke, almost happened at my high school)

  • @LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world
    34 months ago

    On accident. Oops. Damn. Sorry! Fuck now you’re dead and everyone’s sad/mad and I’ll be in prison the rest of my life. Dammit 😭

    • Maven (famous)
      34 months ago

      The entire motivation of the bad guy in Madame Web is that he saw the heroes killing him in a dream so he wants to kill them first…

      The only reason they want to kill him is because he keeps fucking attacking them…

      That movie is so fucking stupid

      • TheRealKuni
        4 months ago

        The entire motivation of the bad guy in Madame Web is that he saw the heroes killing him in a dream so he wants to kill them first…

        The only reason they want to kill him is because he keeps fucking attacking them…

        That movie is so fucking stupid

        I haven’t seen it, but that’s like, most Ancient Greek stories about prophecy. The only reason the prophecy comes true is that people take actions to prevent it.

        For example, Oedipus’s parents find out he’s gonna kill his father and marry his mother. So when he’s an infant they nail his feet together and throw him out of the city. He’s taken in by some kind people, eventually makes his way back to the city later in life, kills his father in an altercation without knowing it’s his father, marries his mother not knowing she’s his mother. If his parents had never heard the prophecy and just, you know, raised him, he wouldn’t have done those things.

        • Maven (famous)
          24 months ago


          That movie wasn’t like those ancient Greek stories because in quite a few ways but most notably the prophecy is just some guy believing that 3 teens are going to kill him. In the end… Madame Web kills him with a Pepsi sign! (Buy Pepsi! Drink Pepsi! PRAISE PEPSI!)

          The movie does actively try to be like those ancient stories but it falls flat with even a slight amount of thinking about it because the villain’s motivations make no sense… Let’s break it down!

          For the last 20ish years he’s had the same recurring nightmare about 3 teens showing up into his New York apartment, smashing some of his stuff, stealing from him and then throwing him out a window…

          During that time every action he took seemed to recreate that dream? He moved to New York (he didn’t live there before), bought the apartment from his nightmare, bought all of the furniture from the nightmare, decorated it exactly the same, and then spent the rest of his time making sure that the 3 teenage girls he is afraid of have a reason to dislike him. This whole movie could’ve been prevented by… Moving to a different place… At any point in the last 20 years…

          Unrelated to the story but also every single line from the villain is dubbed for some reason??? Every other character clearly sounds like they did the voice during the scene and then he sounds like he’s in a recording booth and they just slapped it on… ???

          This turned into more of an essay/rant than I planned but holy fuck that movie was so bad. Funniest shit I’ve seen in so long and will watch it again. I’d never seen a superhero movie before where the main character’s super power includes hitting people with her car.