I’ve been trying to find a good Marxist instance, but Lemmygrad and Hexbear are widely hated. Why is that? Are there any good leftist instances?

  • @davel@lemmy.ml
    35 months ago

    Lemmygrad and Hexbear aren’t “leftist” in the confused sense that Americans usually mean “leftist.” They’re actually leftist in the original sense, meaning that they want to abolish private ownership of the means of production. To the extent they’re “widely hated,” it’s largely because the Anglosphere has been indoctrinated against real, actual socialism their entire lives.

    • @davel@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      More often than not, when Americans say leftist they really mean left-liberalism a la Bernie Sanders, which is really center-left at most, and not actually leftist in the original sense, a sense which Americans have forgotten thanks to two Red Scares and the first Cold War.

      • @Eldritch@lemmy.world
        05 months ago

        True, but leninists are not leftist in any significant sense either. They are more authoritarian/ totalitarian than they are left or right.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          15 months ago

          Totalitarian is an invented term, and every single government and governance structure is “authoritarian” by definition. These words mean hubris, and are dogwhistles for anti-communists.

          If Leninists are not leftists according to you, you might as well start to claim Hitler was not a fascist, and Bush, Obama, Clinton, Churchill were all great homies.

    • @Kecessa@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      That’s not the part people have an issue with, the part where their users deny genocides, call everyone that has a less extreme left opinion of politics Nazis, end up being so “anti-racism” that they’re racists themselves and take all critics as personal attacks, that’s what people have an issue with.

      • Camarada Forte
        5 months ago

        their users deny genocides

        If you are referring to the Xinjiang issue, then it just reaffirms what @davel@lemmy.ml just said:

        it’s largely because the Anglosphere has been indoctrinated against real, actual socialism their entire lives

        Because the “Uyghur genocide” in Xinjiang is another example of propaganda. Or do you really think the West cares about Muslims and want to protect their “freedom”?

        call everyone that has a less extreme left opinion of politics Nazis

        I don’t see anyone in Lemmygrad calling other people “Nazis” because they disagree with someone in a discussion. I usually see them criticizing others as “liberals.” This is either a misrepresentation of leftists in general, very common among conservatives, or you are frequently being called a Nazi. I don’t know, maybe that’s on you? 🤔

        end up being so “anti-racism” that they’re racists themselves and take all critics as personal attacks

        That’s so specific you should give at least one example of this. We have very strict moderation against any bigotry, so I challenge you to link any “racist” attitude or comment you have seen in Lemmygrad. I will give you 24 hours, and if you don’t reply with an example, I will edit this comment saying you chickened out.

        EDIT: They chickened out, as expected.

      • SovereignState
        5 months ago

        Wild how much footage is coming out of Gaza right now showing an actual ongoing genocide, yet Zionists and their water-carriers will harp on and on about how Israel is merely defending itself.

        Nothing of the sort from Xinjiang. At all.

        I’d like to see ONE verifiable image or video depicting this supposed Uyghur genocide we’re denying. ONE. Apparently it’s one of the worst human atrocities occuring right now. One of the worst in HISTORY.

        So… show me a single picture. Fetish porn doesn’t count. Where are the dead bodies? Where are these supposed mass graves?

        Love to break it to ya, they don’t fucking exist and they never did. You’ve been lied to.

        • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          15 months ago

          The US state department lawyers and the British House of Lords have evidence. That’s why they’re pursuing convictions of the Chinese leaders involved. No, wait— sorry, I misremembered. They both concluded there is insufficient evidence.

        • @socsa@lemmy.ml
          -25 months ago

          So you agree that there is a strong argument for Russia seeking genocide in Ukraine as well, right?

          • Camarada Forte
            05 months ago

            Israel has killed more civilians (mostly children and women) in a month of war than Russia has killed in almost two years. The Russians actually target almost exclusively military infrastructure, they have preserved electrical grids, water stations, communications infrastructure, etc… Not because they are “good guys”, obviously, but it’s a part of their strategy. But it shows genocide is not a part of this strategy.

              • Camarada Forte
                5 months ago

                The article was written by Timofei Sergeitsev, a Russian “philosopher” with no direct link to the government. The article in the website you linked was written in early April 2022, very early after the war, when no one knew what to expect. It was claimed it was “proof” the Russians was intending to genocide Ukrainians.

                More than a year later, have we seen anything like it? Have we seen active actions from the Russians to consistently destroy civilian buildings and systematically cause civilian casualties on purpose? I at least haven’t, unless we are talking about a completely different war which I’m not aware. I don’t excuse the Russians of anything, I’m sticking with the facts. The Russians have been very careful not to cause non-military casualties, which is extremely odd for a genocidal regime.

                So, in short, it’s your article written by a guy with no links to the government vs. what the actual war itself shows in practice. I prefer to see what practice shows us.

                • @socsa@lemmy.ml
                  5 months ago

                  Feels like ad hominem. The point is that you are unwilling to even engage with the idea that Russia seeks to eliminate Ukrainian identity, an idea which is reported by a number of primary Russian sources in a variety of media. Putin himself expresses frequent open skepticism of Ukrainian nationality. Not to even mention the internationally recognized mass deportation of children.

                  I won’t argue that Israel isn’t an apartheid state engaging in collective punishment. Meanwhile you will turn yourself in circles to defend Russian aggression, and for the life of me I can figure out what that has to do with liberating workers. It just feels less like intellectual honesty and more like campism. But then somehow I’m the brainwashed goon for actually attempting to maintain something resembling ideological consistency.

      • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
        05 months ago

        That’s a liberal with no framework. No one denies genocides (pro-tip just because the western media says it’s a genocide doesn’t make it a genocide.) Being so anti-racist you are the real racist is the Liberal Democratic party who elected a hard-core segregationist as president, not a Marxist Leninist. No one except people like you give a fuck about personal attacks. lol.

      • @davel@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        The “Uyghur genocide” is bullshit Atlanticist propaganda, and English-language Wikipedia is basically NATOpedia in its slant on the topic, so yes we will deny it. It’s a product of the new Cold War propaganda campaign against China.

          15 months ago

          Atlanticist crackers are exactly why I’m a third-worldist; I genuinely care more about my community’s diaspora than I’d ever care about these genocidal neocolonist crackers

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    15 months ago

    Neoliberal McCarthyism good fascism okay communism bad

    blue eyes blonde hair good democracy people everyone else bad ebil totalitarian

  • @LemmeAtEm@lemmy.ml
    05 months ago

    Lemmygrad isn’t “hated” by most of the wider lemmyverse. There’s just a loud and obnoxious minority of people that will rail and rant about lemmygrad. They loudly rant about lemmygrad because they aren’t used to seeing their worldview get challenged and by its very nature as a radical leftist community, lemmygrad is a challenge to the typical background liberal perspective.

    It’s no surprise we all end up seeing a lot of threads about “those mean tankies at lemmygrad” (and hexbear too) made by people who can’t take their worldview getting questioned, or even shown to be flawed, or just not standing up to their own scrutiny, and who get mad when that happens. There are also of course people with ideological reasons to demonize leftwing politics and will spread shit for that reason alone. But overall, I don’t think most people care enough except to think “oh yeah that’s that instance with those radical lefties, they’re weird but they do make some great memes sometimes.”

  • Che Banana
    05 months ago

    I could tell you, but the last time I responded to a thread like this I got banned for a couple weeks because toxic political personalities aren’t very tolerant.

        15 months ago

        Either that guy’s full of shit or he’s ban evading on a sockpuppet; 'cause that username turns up zilch in the modlog

  • @DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de
    05 months ago

    Political views aside, the way they promote their political views is unappealing.

    Look through any of their popular threads. Everyone piles on any comment which doesn’t align perfectly with the agreed perspective.

    • @ShouldIHaveFun@feddit.ch
      05 months ago

      Everyone piles on any comment which doesn’t align perfectly with the agreed perspective.

      Sounds like every popular community on Lemmy. The only difference is the “agreed perspective”.

      • @DogMuffins@discuss.tchncs.de
        05 months ago

        Not really.

        In most communities you can at least entice some robust discussion, hexbear just seems sp aggressively intolerant of alternative views.

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
          05 months ago

          What are these alternate views? Not supporting Palestine? Claiming there was Uyghur genocide? Ukraine good Russia bad? USA good China bad? voooooote to solve your problems? Any country that NATO hates is a genocidal totalitarian dictatorship? White man great everyone else is subhuman horde?

          • @JungleJim@sh.itjust.works
            05 months ago

            Love how at the very idea of somebody disagreeing with you, you start throwing up all sorts of topics you know are hot buttons just so you can preemptively slam anyone who has a different perspective than you. Rather than taking a second to teach a single thing about the topics you claim to care about you just flash them like political merit badges to prove you’re in the in-group, and anybody who doesn’t know exactly what one of those things are, or what you think is the truth about it, is worth dismissing out of hand. It’s just a secret handshake that if people don’t parrot it back to you they’re not worth debating. You were never here for healthy debate though. You don’t care about convincing anyone or advancing your causes or ideas. You’re here for the badges.

              • @JungleJim@sh.itjust.works
                05 months ago

                See, this is why people have problems with ML and hexbears. How will you ever bring the revolution when you can’t stop screeching? Nobody wants that. Nobody wants to be around it. You’ll be a revolution of one because nobody can take being around such an abrasive asshole long enough to even listen to their points, much less realize they might be right.

                Imagine somebody walking down the street. They see a poster on the wall of the store they pass. It’s a Starbucks. “Looks tasty, I’m cold” they say. Suddenly, you’re there, shrieking about labor rights and fair trade. You are without a doubt correct, but you’ve scared the person and now they’re annoyed. One of those drones inside with the green hats comes out and sees the situation. They ask the customer to come inside where they’re safe from you, and now they’re buying overpriced drinks from exploited workers produced by exploited farmers etc.

                All because instead of talking to someone like a human, you had to be edgy and witty. You treat real humans the way tv characters talk to each other. On TV the wittiest oneo-liner wins. In real life you have to show a little human compassion, even if you’re faking it or else you alienate who you’re talking to and are left in an echo chamber, alone, or in the case of our imagined scenario the employees may call security or police (agents of oppression, and they’ll probably buy coffee too) on a person harassing potential customers.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                  05 months ago

                  Nobody wants to listen to fucking individualist capitalist dronies who cannot summon a critical thought of their own, or have any awareness or empathy for society, or prosperous desires for all.

                  Go watch some fantasy TV show or movie, maybe Marvel will give you hope of Amerikkka making the world a great place, as they continue to feed you with McDonalds burgers, Coke, fries and free Netflix and Amazon Prime vouchers. Keep lovin’ and livin’ the good ol’ bread and circus in ignorance.

          • @Gormadt@lemmy.ml
            05 months ago

            Ukraine good Russia bad?

            Sorry I don’t side with imperialism.

            Ukraine wants to not be invaded by it’s neighbor, and Russia did so to conquer it in direct contradiction to a treaty it signed when Ukraine gave it’s nukes to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. On multiple occasions.

            • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
              05 months ago

              Russia is not conquering Ukraine though. Has Russia done this in the course of over one year? On the other hand, Blackrock is selling and buying Ukrainian land for some mysterious reason. Somehow, a private USA company is conquering Ukraine’s land.

              I call bullshit on your claims and credibility.

              • @Gormadt@lemmy.ml
                05 months ago

                Did Russia not invade Ukraine’s sovereign territory?

                That’s a pretty big rock you’ve been living under to miss that.

                • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
                  05 months ago

                  Ukraine wants to not be invaded by it’s neighbor, and Russia did so to conquer it

                  Your claim, not mine. Do not change goalposts.