I was running for my train. After entering in the station airlock, for a reason i still can’t explain, i turned right instead of continuing straight ahead and BAM, i hit a glass with my face. Now i have a little scar, fortunately hidden behind my eyebrow.

  • over_clox@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I was going to carry a 5 gallon jug of water on my bicycle. I was just going to let the bicycle handle the weight by balancing it on the top tube between my legs, as I had already done a number of times before.

    But this time, as I lifted the jug to place it on the top tube, it came down just a little too far back and totally smashed my left testicle!

    “Five gallons of water weighs approximately 41.65 pounds (or about 18.9 kilograms) at room temperature. This is based on the weight of one gallon being around 8.33 pounds.” - DuckAssist


    For the next few months, my left nut was misshaped, thank goodness it didn’t outright rupture!