• @CookieMonsterDebate@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Don’t Look Up. As an environmental biologist, I feel they really nailed the constant feeling of crisis that everyone either chooses to ignore or use for greed. There came a point where I couldn’t stomach it anymore, I watch TV to escape reality not be reminded of it lol.

  • @pixelscript@lemmy.ml
    244 months ago

    I had to unsubscribe from NotJustBikes’s YouTube channel because I could no longer bear thinking about just how thoroughly and irreversably fucked the city planning is out here in the American midwest, and how there’s less than a gnat’s fart in the wind I can do about any of it.

    • @TheFonz@lemmy.world
      64 months ago

      Will be moving to Midwest from Italy soon. My heart hurts already. I lived in the Midwest for ten years and worked with urban planners there so I know the pain all too well.

  • @EssentialCoffee@midwest.social
    214 months ago

    It Takes Two.

    There’s a point where your characters brutally murder the only nice thing thing in the entire story while it’s begging for its life (your characters are pieces of shit, but the gameplay is good, so you can kind of ignore it). It happens to be the characters’ daughter’s favorite stuffed elephant.

    Then your characters dance gleefully in their daughter’s tears and show no remorse at their daughter crying or any emotion other than woe is us, our brutal murder didn’t work.

    Seriously, one of the most horrific things my husband and I have ever played through in a game. It made us feel sick. We stopped playing after that. The best thing I can do for that little girl is for her shitty ass parents to never waje up so she becomes an orphan. That’s honestly a better outcome for her than having to live with her shitty abusive parents another day. I only wish it had been earlier in the game so we could have gotten refunds.

    I can’t believe they market that game to play with your kids and put that scene in it.

    • @PraiseTheSoup@lemm.ee
      84 months ago

      Funny, I stopped playing the game right after this scene but not really because of it. I just couldn’t stand the main characters from the very beginning.

    • @TheCannonball@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I absolutely hate the story of this game. The parents are horrible ego-centric people who do not deserve to be happy. My wife and I played it and we almost quit at the very end because we were convinced they shouldn’t end up back together. They don’t actually fix any relationship problems besides being reminded why they fell in love and nostalgia.

      It drives me nuts how this game won GOTY when I hated it so much.

    • @AsheHole@lemmy.world
      24 months ago

      The entire time I was doing the awkward sad chuckles asking my partner repeatedly if it was for real and no, no ,no while I dragged it around killing it. I judged the parents soooooo hard for it.

  • @Mycatiskai@lemmy.ca
    184 months ago

    Videos of my now deceased sister playing violin.

    The Tragically Hip - Ahead By a Century

    I will cross a room to turn the radio off when it is playing.

    Both died from the same brain cancer and I can’t handle listening or watching either of them yet.

      • @Mycatiskai@lemmy.ca
        24 months ago

        Specifically that song, it was my favourite song of theirs. I tuned in late to their last concert when it aired on CBC, I thought I must have missed them singing it because I was so late but it came on next. I was happy I didn’t miss it but I cried as they sang it.

        I have heard parts of it in the years since then, I have probably heard the whole song a few times but it hurts to hear it.

    • @emptiestplace@lemmy.ml
      14 months ago

      That sounds really rough. :(

      I find stuff like this doesn’t ever change for me, even though it may hurt less over time. I like knowing I have it, but … I don’t need to watch it.

  • Zeusbottom
    144 months ago

    Anything that maximizes embarrassment or cringe. Can’t watch most Will Ferrell or Borat. Ugh, it makes me so uncomfortable.

    • Pietson
      114 months ago

      Maybe controversial but I had that with the office.

      • @RacerX@lemm.ee
        34 months ago

        I’ve seen every episode of the office at least 4 times (and some much more) with the exceptions of Scott’s Tots. Watched it once and never went back. That one was too much.

  • @Ashtear@lemm.ee
    134 months ago

    Grave of the Fireflies, a Ghibli film. Stopped it a couple times. Ended up finishing it eventually, wish I never had.

  • /home/pineapplelover
    4 months ago

    Schindler’s List towards the end where Schindler was regretful that he could’ve sold more stuff and got more money to save more people.

  • @fckreddit@lemmy.ml
    124 months ago

    Cyberpunk Edgerunners. The world is simply too brutal for our protagonists.

    Grave of the Fireflies. It just hurts to watch this movie.

  • @salarua@sopuli.xyz
    114 months ago

    Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye. i can handle horror just fine, but Echoes of the Eye is on entirely another level of horror than most everything else. i was only able to complete about a third of it before i got too psyched out to continue

    • セリャスト
      04 months ago

      Eote is a masterpiece and I had to rly battle my fears to do it. Unlike the base game, you can play it in smaller pieces if playing it gets overwhelming

    • Julian
      4 months ago
      EOTE Spoilers

      I think what’s crazy about eote is that you figure things out that make everything visible, and once you understand how things work it really shouldn’t be scary anymore… but it is. As soon as you go back into the lantern’s bubble you’re just consumed by darkness and it feels just as scary as it was before - even though you know exactly what’s in the dark.

  • @TheActualDevil@sffa.community
    114 months ago

    The Handmaid’s Tale (TV Show), hands down.

    The first season was emotional but I’ve gotten through it multiple times as I’ve tried re-watching to get through season 2. I got a little farther the last time I tried, but man, it’s so visceral and constantly beating down the protagonist and everyone around her. That’s the point and it’s great, it’s just so depression-inducing when there’s just no uplifting points. IT does not let up in beating you down with the horribleness. I just can’t keep going when it goes on for so long.

    • archomrade [he/him]
      54 months ago

      This is exactly the one I was thinking. I tried watching it with my wife, and we both noped out of that one

    • Snowpix
      54 months ago

      Watching it makes seeing what’s happening in the US all the more terrifying when you realize a significant group of people want the world to be like that and are actively trying to make it so.

  • guyrocket
    94 months ago

    The George Floyd video.

    I watched maybe a minute of it the day it came out and that was enough for me forever.

    • Андрей БыдлоOP
      44 months ago

      Same there. I watched a lot of horror movies and another kinds of gore, and it felt like I almost lost my senses at all, but the way Chauvin did that filled me with so much confusion, hatred and sadness I couldn’t stand watching it. So routine, so senseless, like he’s used to do this daily and likes it. I felt sick. And I want this mfer to rot.

      • spriteblood
        34 months ago

        With horror movies, you at least have that layer of knowing it’s not real. Seeing the real horrors of mankind without that to protect you is truly disturbing.

  • feinstruktur
    84 months ago

    German movie ‘Der goldene Handschuh’ which tells the true story of 70’s serial killer Fritz Honka. When a friend proposed to watch it, I seriously thought it to be a sports movie (the german ‘Handschuh’ translates to glove and my association instantly was a goal keeper’s glove…). Well, I was wrong. The dense and depressing atmosphere of Honka’s childhood and life, together with the derogatory, very hard and profane language and of course depiction of sexuality and violence towards women was simply too much for me. It sucked away all positivity at that moment. I finished it later and the director hit me once more, because in the end credits real pictures of the true locations where shown, proving the film’s sets where simply identical. That ripped away the last imagination that what I’ve just seen was just a very dark fantasy and too bad to be real. Brilliant movie and actors (the main actor in his role is simply not recognizable any more from his real life appearance, just like Charlize Theron in ‘Monster’), but too hard to for me to take.

  • @crawancon@lemm.ee
    84 months ago

    You humans will laugh, but for me, it was Marley and Me, a film that allows you to watch a dog live and then die.

    i was a fun loving guy with a golden and I met my Jennifer Anniston so it was just too similar and painful and remembering my dog makes me sad.

  • @rosymind@leminal.space
    74 months ago

    Show: Love, Death and Robots. It’s fantastic but some of the episodes just hit too hard. I’ll eventually get back to it, I just need some time

    Game: Cyberpunk. I was looking something up and found out what happens to Evelyn. I kinda look like her a bit, and have also dealt with (much milder) issues in the same category. Too brutal

    Movie: I actually watched it all the way, but the first time I watched American Beauty is just fucked me up for like, a week