Mine’s a speech to text to the right people with one misinterpreted word. I was on my way to a party and tried to send, “I’m bringing Veuve.” As in the champagne. Nope…all 13 people in the group text got, “I’m bringing lube.” Needless to say, about half were disappointed when I showed up with champagne, and I still haven’t lived this down.
^ We have a winner.
Back in 2016 I debugged a situation with TextNow where if you just added a contact to your list, every number you’d message would be off by one in the index.
Once TextNow read my bug report, they quickly fixed it and emailed me back like 4:20am saying they fixed it, and to clear my cache and update the app.
I didn’t get it 🤔
You want a dic pic now? You know, try to make it up to you?🤔
My boss and I were driving back from a meeting in another town. The GPS suggested he take a different route because of traffic. He didn’t we sat in traffic for like an hour. I sent a message to my brother complaining about my boss., Complaining about my boss and how we were stuck in traffic. Or more correctly I meant to send it to my brother , accidentally sent it to my boss. Since we’re stuck in traffic, he checked his text message. needless to say that was an uncomfortable drive home. Somehow didn’t get fired
Damn. Awkward drive home!
Tame stuff.
When I was in college was was sending cat pictures to some random person. They only replied when I asked something specific (“When are we meeting,” or something like that). They replied with “Hey, I’ve been meaning to tell you, this is the wrong number. Love the cats though.” The messages had been meant for my grandma.
Second time, in high school, I got a new phone and was texting my whole two friends so they would have my number. I got a reply back that I wasn’t “2ugly2live.” apparently, the girl I texted also had a friend with the same name and thought I was trying to impersonate her. And I thought her friend was trying to trick my friend. The other “2ugly2live” texted me and she used a lot of l33t speak, so I shot back to who I thought was my friend that it couldn’t be me, “she can’t even spell!” Sent my friend a message on aim and she was like, “???”
I apologized to both randos and we got a chuckle out of it.