Not everyone thinks of dog, there’s a bit of a bell curve.
What else do there Pavlov?
at which end of the curve resides the bellends?
That’s pretty normal. Like, less than sigma.
So Pavlov was sitting in a bar, having a nice cold beer. As the next person came in, the door caused a bell to ring. Pavlov panics: “Oh no! I forgot to feed the dog!”
Pavlov is the Dr, not the dog.
What? Yeah, I know. A dog sitting at a bar having a beer would be a different joke. Read my joke again.
I know, I’m trying to make the Frankenstein joke
Actually Frankenstein was the incense scent
That’s not what pavlovian conditioning is though??
Sure it is, strong association through repetition.
I’ve retrained on Pavlov’s cat
I once read that reverse pavlovianism is the application of saliva to a dog’s mouth in the attempt to ring a bell.
And a bell
I always add an ‘a’ to the end and wish I could buy pavlova in the USA.
Get some eggs and go crazy
I first heard of Pavlov from the game incredible machines, where if you dangle a banana in front of a mandrill (looks like a baboon to 6 year old me) he would run on the treadmill giving you power for your machines. So I always think of a baboon when I hear pavlov.
That’s just how words work
Me too Jomny Sun, me too.
Nine nine!
I think of Pavlov’s Daughter
Why is my mouth watering?