• yokonzo@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    While on DMT when I was younger, I legitimately thought I had died, the gods and fractals all went away and I couldn’t feel anything and I thought, oh no, this is it. And weirdly… I came to terms with it rather quickly. I thought, my family is going to be so sad, but I guess there’s nothing I can do, and felt a strange peace. Then I snapped back into reality and breathed a sigh of relief.

    I took a break from the DMT after that

    • riccardo@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      I had a similar experience with ketamine. I accidentally did a line that was a little too long and k-holed for the first time. During the trip I convinced myself I went insane and that I would have had to live the rest of my life inside the mind of an insane person, with no chance to ever experience the outside world again. But I was ok with that, I was like “well, it happened. Nothing I can do about it. I just got to roll with it now” lol. Then I snapped out of it. Never touched ketamine that weekend again, but the following week I wanted to repeat the experience.

      Ketamine is not a psychedelic but a khole can make you experience stuff that maybe only DMT can. Illusion of timelessness, lack of physical dimensions, absence of linearity in time and space, it’s something I’ve only been able to experience during my first k-holes

  • Pronell@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    While tripping on a large dose of LSD, I decided to practice with my new and incredibly sharp wood chisels on a block of pine.

    Amazingly I didn’t cut myself at all.

    My friend found a stop motion animated clay Don Quixote, where the clay work was rough and you could see thumbprints. It was the perfect vibe for tripping and carving, the gouges I was making in the wood looked like the clay, and bit by bit I made that block into a volcano.

    In order to do that I kept twisting my right arm (I’m left handed) clockwise, and when I came down from the hallucinogens, the nerves in my arm went dead. Hand just slid off the keyboard.

    It was fine twenty minutes later. And that’s my story, the best acid trip I ever had. Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them.

    In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

    • GrymEdm@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them. In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

      Unironically, good on you. That’s character progress and it takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to accept rejection in a mature way and keep trying regardless. For what it’s worth I as an Internet stranger think we should help more people do the same sort of things.

      • Pronell@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Thank you, that was a long standing problem for me, and it got a lot easier to just put myself out there and see what would happen. Not just romantically but socially in general.

        It served me well.

  • ohwhatfollyisman@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    i am ashamed to say that i have driven when drunk. this was over a decade ago and i don’t remember the 13km trip taken late at night.

    i am thankful that the car was found intact on inspection the next morning and i hadn’t hit anybody.

    but that was the last time i drove drunk. i was a prize idiot to do so–as is anyone else who does so.

    • superduperpirate@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Same. Keeping the details purposefully vague even though the statute of limitations has long since expired.

      I was out with friends having fun and actually stayed at the bar until they turned on the lights at closing and kicked us all out. I knew I was drunk but figured I should hit up the Taco Bell on the other side of the parking lot and eat in my car. Surely that would soak up enough alcohol to sober me up, right? I recall taking the most direct route possible to get back home, keeping my speed just below the limit. No cruise control so I had to focus as much as possible when it’s late, you’re tired and drunk and have a stomach full of grease.

      The middle portion of the drive home was on a single long major arterial surface street. Luckily there weren’t any red lights since I doubt I could’ve stopped in time. The most terrifying moment was when I saw a cop car approaching me from behind. As I had a mild panic attack, he passed me up, didn’t turn on his lights, and went about his evening.

      The rest of the trip home was uneventful. I got home safely, swore to myself I’d never be that stupid again, went to bed, and woke up the next morning probably still reeking of cigarette smoke and booze.

      This is the single thing I am most ashamed of that I’ve ever done in my entire life. It’s more shameful than the time I lost my cool and shouted the n word at a kid when we were in middle school. It’s more shameful than the time I walked around high school with an unknown to me giant rip in my pants that let everyone see my sponge bob undies. It’s more shameful than when my dad caught me beating my meat to a Runner’s World magazine because I couldn’t find a Playboy.

      I am very lucky that the cop just passed me by. I am very lucky that I didn’t have to drunk call my family at 4am to come bail me out of jail. I am very very lucky that I didn’t hurt myself or someone else.

      True to my word, I’ve never done it again. I don’t drink at all any more, and even when I still did, I had a very strict two drink limit for myself if I was driving.

      I don’t think I’ve ever even mentioned this when I’ve been in therapy. I’ve been in a relationship for over a decade and I’ve never even told my partner about it.

      So yeah Lemmy. Learn from my mistake. Please. If you plan to get fucked up, have a safe ride home that doesn’t involve you driving.

  • BonesOfTheMoon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I don’t get high or drunk, but I take Ambien for sleep and the very funky things I’ve done on it could fill a scary book, although some of it is just embarrassing like adding someone on Facebook that I would have been too shy to before. The most notable thing I did was host a whole antifascist meeting with some very prominent people and show them how we catfished a very famous white supremacist into sending us pictures of his penis.

  • NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Got defibrillated in the back of an ambulance. I had 6 or 8 caffeinated beverages over an 8 hour period which also involved a 7+ mile walk across town on an 80+ degree Fahrenheit Saturday morning. I was feelin’ pretty great and thought it could use the perfect compliment, so I drove across town and bought some gray-market d9-thc gummies. I believe i took a ~25mg dosage worth of gummies. An hour later my heart rate was very high and very noticeable. I couldnt catch my breath and i had begun to panic. That’s when i called for paramedics. when they arrived my heart-rate was 160 bpm and still climbing. We got in the ambulance. They applied the the pads for the AED. I was still relatively conscious when i heard the AED call out “one-eigthy.” A few moments later I heard it call out “two-hundred.” That’s when I very suddenly jerked forward and moaned from the shock and then I felt my heart rate begin to slow a little. In the hospital we learned I was deficient in potassium which made sense given the pathology. The shock was surprisingly painless and I would recommend it if ever needed. The panic attack and the residual albeit minor case of ptsd, those I would not…

    I’ve since learned how both substances work physiologically and while they feel like psychological polar-opposites, they have compounding effects on the heart and circulatory system. I am religious about limiting my caffeine intake now, two years later. —No more hippie speed-balls either

  • bruhbeans@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Stoned off my ass, decided to take a shower. Got in, water’s too hot, turned the knob. Water got hotter, turned the knob the other way, water got hotter. Panicked, turned the knob hard the other way, now burning. Panicked harder, turned the knob hard the other way, water now lethally hot. Finally got my shit together, turned the water off and went to bed.

  • toomanypancakes@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Drank way too much, played magic the gathering with a friend using my unicorn deck, and loudly shouted “unicorn” every time I played one and took a shot of tequila right after. Around halfway through the game I shouted “unicorn”, followed it up with a “damn it”, and casually walked to the bathroom and threw up.

    Not terribly alarming I guess, but it was memorable.

  • GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Her name is [kept to myself because I’m a gentleman who doesn’t kiss and tell]. I hope I, in turn, am not someone’s most alarming thing but it’s possible :P

  • AchtungDrempels@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I went to sleep being all drunk. I turned on a light switch and to my surprise i found myself in the staircase of the building i lived in, wearing underpants only, the door to my appartment was closed. I must have taken the wrong way after going to the toilet.

    Tried to do the credit card trick to open doors with some paper i found at the letter boxes. No success.

    I then went onto the street, there was a party crowd finishing their party, they were all hyped to meet me and thought it was really funny. Nobody of them was able to do the credit card trick though. They then called a key service for me, who then opened the door and i got back to bed.

  • inb4_FoundTheVegan@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Told the fiance of the girl I was secretly seeing that I would probably bang her tonight at her birthday party. I vaguely remember puking in the toilet that night but then woke up in the garage the next morning confused why everyone was giving me the stink eye.

    I still feel really bad about it, like not even just how I told but the fact that I was even seeing her anyways. I was young, but that’s not an excuse and I should’ve know better.

    That night was a wake up call.

  • ShadowCatEXE@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Maybe more weird than alarming, but can also be alarming.

    I was about 14 years old. Hanging out with a friend, and we went over to someone’s house. They had a bong and some weed, so what the hell, eh? I took a rip. For about 10-20 minutes, I was fine. We were hanging out on some chairs. A few of us ended up moving towards the front of the house, and it was at this point I have no recollection of what happened. It seemed like I blacked out for a while. I came to consciousness when I was asked if I had a can of ginger ale… I had no backpack, so why I was asked that, I’ve no idea. However, it seemed like I was standing in this persons driveway for a good amount of time, facing the garage door, away from the others, totally out of it and blacked out. My friend and I ended up going to his then girlfriend’s house, had a bonfire and ate some snacks. When we were leaving, I promptly yacked all over his girlfriend’s front yard. I was 100% after that.

    That was the last time I smoked weed. I’m fairly confident that was maybe a little more than weed…