So ddg is down, so I visit Google. It’s been some years.

I just can’t believe how poor it’s results are, and how it’s trying to suggest things it think I might also want (and failing miserably).

I just assumed ddg would be the lesser, but I use it for privacy. Turns out I’m wrong.

How long has Google been this bad?

    4 months ago

    I just assumed ddg would be the lesser, but I use it for privacy. Turns out I’m wrong.

    If you’re using DDG for privacy, then indeed you are wrong.

    It may be “less invasive” than google, but it’s neither anonymous, nor private.

    Here’s a bunch more reasons from, a site dedicated to digital freedom and exposing corruption.

    Direct privacy abuse:

    DDG was caught violating its own privacy policy by issuing tracker cookies.

    DDG’s app sends every URL you visit to DDG servers. (reaction).

    DDG is currently collecting users’ operating systems and everything they highlight in the search results. (to verify this, simply hit F12 in your browser and select the “network” tab. Do a search with javascript enabled. Highlight some text on the screen. Mouseover the traffic rows and see that your highlighted text, operating system, and other details relating to geolocation are sent to DDG. Then change the query and submit. Notice that the previous query is being transmitted with the new query to link the queries together)

    DDG is accused of fingerprinting users’ browsers.

    When clicking an ad on the DDG results page, all data available in your session is sent to the advertiser, which is why the Epic browser project refuses to set DDG as the default browser.

    DDG blacklisted Framabee, a search engine for the highly respected consortium."


    DDG promotes one of the largest privacy abusing tech giants and adversary to the Tor community: CloudFlare Inc. DDG results give high rankings to CloudFlare sites, which consequently compromises privacy, net neutrality, and anonymity.

    Full article:

    ETA: The bulk of the text in my reply was lifted from a reddit comment. I tried to format my comment to reflect that it’s a “quote”, alas I’ve failed. Hence this.

    Also, I don’t have a card in this game. I understand anonymity and privacy - I dislike intentional deception.

        4 months ago

        I recently learned about it, but haven’t used it. From what I understand, it’s similar to how the fediverse works; individual instances are run by whoever wants to run them. If you run your own instance, you have complete trust in it, but you effectively aren’t anonymous (unless you support a whole bunch of users to pool together. If you join someone else’s instance, you have to trust them. There’s public and private instances.

        The other downside is that, like many other small players, they are a metasearch engine, so they rely on the big players like Google and Bing who actually crawl the web for information to index. If Google or Bing want to hide information, that trickles down into metasearch engines, too. It’s somewhat buffered by thr fact that your metasearch can look through a whole bunch of different indexes, so you aren’t held to one countries censorship, but it probably still has an effect.

      4 months ago

      Also as DDG is based in the US it is most likely legally bound to give your informations to any agency with a nice gag order on top of it.

      I can’t imagine any serious privacy oriented business to be headquartered in the US.

      The whole better privacy is true with DDG but certainly not to the extent people would like to think.

      That being said DDG has decent search results and is slightly better than Google for privacy. Google is an ecosystem so every little bit you don’t give them is a success.

      It’s really too bad we don’t have good private search engines…

      4 months ago

      They also do ranked search like google, although not as bad but i think that is just a factor of age. Actual search term is often 5th or more down page