I grew up with $20 walmart blenders, and hated anything that required a blender.

Recently bought a ninja and there is no going back. I’ll never use a crappy blender again.

Anything else like that?

  • Apolinario Mabussy
    64 months ago

    For most things in life I generally follow Adam Savage’s advice: “Buy cheap tools until you know what you really need from that tool, then buy the best version you can afford.”

    However, when it comes to things that are related to safety or protect you from harm the more expensive/high quality they get, that advice goes out the window. Case in point, PC PSUs. You probably don’t want your newly built PC to burst in flames because you skimped on it to buy a poorly rated PSU.

    • Ms. ArmoredThirteen
      04 months ago

      I sometimes buy pretty new (1-2yr old) premade computers from foreign exchange students at the end of a school year. They often sell them for the cost of just the GPU, sometimes lower. The number of garbage PSUs I’ve had to swap out is ridiculous. People buy like $3k+ computers and are content with $80 PSUs it’s amazing. I’ve had them pop on me after only a couple months use. Meanwhile the PSU in my current machine was a major purchase for me back in 2010 and thing still runs every upgrade I throw at it.

    • @iegod@lemm.ee
      04 months ago

      A PSU isn’t a tool, so I think his advice actually holds even here. /pedantry

  • Snot Flickerman
    44 months ago


    The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. … A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

    A cute little passage from Terry Pratchett, but it holds very true if you ever need boots.

    Paying for quality boot work, especially the kind that can be re-soled, is worth it for anyone who has to wear boots with any regularity.

    When I first got a job that needed boots I was using an old secondhand pair. It was hell. Eventually I saved up for a quality pair and was totally worth it. I’ve not underspent on boots since.

    As for suggestions as to what brand to go with these days for that… I’m less sure on that because I’m researching new brands myself since Red Wings are a joke compared to what they used to be. Danner still seems pretty all right these days.

    • Sabata11792
      14 months ago

      You don’t truly appreciate a good pair a boots till you park a 2 ton pallet jack on your toes and laugh it off.

  • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
    4 months ago

    Kitchen knives, definitely. A good knife is a fucking godsend.

    Quality underwear (once you’re an adult).

    A good office chair (not necessarily one of those expensive as fuck mesh ones - I hate those… But something quality).

    Also, I’d distinguish between pointlessly expensive and quality.

    • Scrubbles
      14 months ago

      Idiots buy expensive gaming chairs. They feel like you’re sitting on plywood. I don’t care how many colors it has im going to be sitting on it for hours a day.

      Put that into a good office chair, where they put research into making sure you’re comfortable for that entire time

      • @dsco@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        14 months ago

        You can get open box, unused steelcase chairs on eBay for cheaper than “gaming” chairs, BTW. There’s no reason to buy those abominations.

        • Overzeetop
          04 months ago

          And, let me tell you, those chairs are worth it. I paid about $1200 for my Leap (I needed an extra tank one for a drafting table desk) and have had it 15 years now. 8-10 hours a day my job is to ensure that my chair does not float away using only my 200lb body mass. Not only is it still in good shape* I never have a sore back even after a long day of ballasting. Prior to owning the Leap I’d go through a $100 office store chair in a couple of years.

          *the seat cushion was a little worn at the edges and the cushion not quite as supple so I replaced that this year.

      • @saigot@lemmy.ca
        04 months ago

        Allow me to sell you on my gaming chair that cured my back pain. I got a secret labs chair in 2020 because it was the only chair under a grand that could arrive in less than 3 days. It replaced a Herman Miller I used at work.

        The Herman Miller can only be sat in one way. It’s very light so climbing around it is just going to tip. You pretty much have to use it in the hr approved ergonomic position. Doing that for 8 hours a day just hurts. My gaming chair however is heavy enough that I can press my legs against the wall, or kneel on it without wobbling, or crosslegged. I can also sit with my neck on one handiest and my feet across another. Sometimes I lie with my legs at the head resting my head at the seat cushion.

        The best sitting position is the one you don’t stay in long, my gaming chair lets me do that and my back just stopped hurting. When the chair starts to age out I do plan on looking at ergo chairs as well, there seems to be a market for “weird chairs” that enable uncinventionak sitting but they seem to go a little too far as well, I do want to sit normally as well sometimes too. Gaming chairs really seem to hit my requirements of heavy, tall, wide and large armrests.

  • konalt
    14 months ago

    Custom building a computer? Don’t cheap out on the power supply or you might end up with a smoke machine

  • Mint_Raccoon
    14 months ago

    It’s almost always better to not buy a cheap sex toy. There’s no regulation of the industry and many materials in cheaper toys are just straight up dangerous. Here’s an article (it’s NSFW, there are pictures) that goes over what materials are and aren’t safe.

  • @pixelscript@lemmy.ml
    14 months ago

    I believe in the adage of, “If it sits between you and the ground, don’t skimp”.

    Shoes, socks, desk chairs, lounge chairs, sofas, car( seat)s, mattresses…

    You spend too much time in or on all of these things to be uncomfortable.

    I also see posted here the Adam Savage advice of buying cheap tools first, and then upgrade after you better understand your needs. I also think that’s great advice you can apply to most things. Just not the above things.

  • Justas🇱🇹
    14 months ago

    Niche musical instruments. A “cheap” hurdy gurdy can cost up to 2000 dollars and still sound like a bag of cats in a washing machine.

    Some new recent models that are relatively cheap and sound okay exist now, but you really need to do your research.

  • @kurcatovium@lemm.ee
    04 months ago

    Toilet paper. Once you rip through cheap one, you’d pay anything to buy better one in the first plce.

  • @baseless_discourse@mander.xyz
    4 months ago

    Depends on your definition of “expensive”, but in general, (semi-automatic) espresso machine under $450 is probably not worth getting. Most of the time, Areopress ($30) or moka pot will make better coffee than anything under this price rage.

    • @saigot@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      A chemex has been the sweet spot of reliable, easy to use and good for me. 30 bucks.

      • @baseless_discourse@mander.xyz
        04 months ago

        Pour over is great but lot of people like “espresso-like” coffee either straight or as a milk drink. This is why I recommended areopress and moka pot, both are great ar producing small and strong drinks for cheap.

    • @Blackmist@feddit.uk
      04 months ago

      While I agree, and know that the coffee maker is just doing the manual steps, there’s a lot to be said for just pushing a button and getting a coffee.

      • @ebc@lemmy.ca
        04 months ago

        I got a “manual” Breville espresso machine (Barista Express), and honestly it’s not that many steps compared to a full auto like my mom’s Jura. I just have to move the portafilter to the grinder, tamp, and put it back into the showerhead. Meanwhile, my mom has to fill up the tank, the coffee hopper and empty the grounds bin every ~5 cups… Not convinced it’s worth 2x the price, and I can actually make better espresso on my machine.

    • @StThicket@reddthat.com
      04 months ago

      I bought an Aeropress a few years ago and absolutely love it. Then I realised that my cheap grinder wasn’t all that great, so I bougt a $400 grinder. My quality of life is at its peak right now.

      • jwiggler
        04 months ago

        Dude. I found a working baratza preciso at savers for $11 a couple days after I realized the same thing and decided I’d start hunting for an espresso grinder.

        It was the perfect confluence of timing, interest in making different style coffees, and unwillingness to spend a fortune.

        Undoubtedly my best thrift store find.

        Now I can get pretty much like 75% of the way to real espresso (won’t get crema, but whatever) with my free secondhand aeropress and my $11 grinder. It’s amazing. Another $15 for a milk frother and I’m making yummy cappuccino style drinks easy peasy