I am one of the admins of Beehaw and I’m trying to get some feedback on our potential move.

Let’s start out with a little Beehaw history before judgements are passed, please.

A handful of us were beta testing Tildes when we decided to have discussions on a Discord server.

We decided that our ‘Northern Star’ or guiding principle would culminate as ‘Be Nice’ with purposefully vague/flexible interpretations. Our overall goal is to provide a safe space to disenfranchised persons.

We talked for a little over a year and some of our members became impatient. Then someone stepped in to suggest a couple of platforms that we could consider getting started with.

One of those platforms was Lemmy. None of us knew, at that time, anything about ActivityPub.

During the Reddit exodus (surrounding the API outcry and blackout), our instance exploded. We were, initially, crippled by the mass amounts of users seeking refuge.

Thankfully, someone stepped in and volunteered hundreds of hours of work to stabilize our instance and refine it further.

After many hours of talks, it became clear to us that our overall goal could be achieved outside of Lemmy/ActivityPub.

Right now, we feel that Lemmy and ActivityPub have downsides that are limiting us from achieving that goal.

  • @CrypticCoffee@lemmy.ml
    34 months ago

    I don’t think you guys cared when you defederated from the rest of the fediverse and turned up your nose at everyone else. I’m not sure why you care now. You guys go and do your thing, but I don’t think you’re very relevant to the fediverse.

    You speak very vaguely, and I don’t think you’re being fully honest with your reasoning, but by this point, I don’t think it really matters.

  • Infamousblt [any]
    24 months ago

    I think the fediverse would be better off without Beehaw, so yeah, get off Lemmy and go build your own platform by yourself. I wish you the absolute best of luck, and thank you in advance for taking all the worst kind of people off the fediverse with you.

  • @platypus_plumba@lemmy.world
    24 months ago

    Why do you care what other instances think about it? I’m honestly asking and expecting an answer here. This isn’t a sassy question.

    You built a wall and now you’re asking people outside of that wall what it feels for you to leave. Well, I’d care if I could see what’s inside the wall, but I can’t. I tried subscribing and it was impossible.

    So why do you care what people outside of your wall think? Again, I expect an answer here.

  • Chozo
    14 months ago

    While I would understand your reasoning for doing so, I would be disappointed to see it happen. There’s decent discussions on Beehaw that I enjoy taking part in, however if you guys decided to defederate or switch to a different platform entirely, I doubt that I would make another account somewhere else to follow. I like Beehaw’s content, but I have enough accounts to keep track of these days after everything split from Reddit, so it would ultimately be a loss for me.

    I’m not sure if this is a commonly-held opinion for those of us outside of Beehaw, though.

    • Ready! Player 31
      -14 months ago

      Totally agree. It’s such a shame the issues with lemmy can’t be fixed to Beehaw’s satisfaction.

  • Björn Tantau
    14 months ago

    I’m subbed to some communities on Beehaw and I would miss them. But not enough to make an account on Beehaw to get them back.

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    the only thing of substance are links to your websites and discord

    Ah okay so this is what this is about. Very creative way to peddle your shit.

  • @Jordan117@lemmy.world
    14 months ago

    Defederating Beehaw would not only weaken it as an instance, but remove its positive influence from the wider fediverse. The big platforms wield so much power and influence and money, the smaller upstarts need to connect as much as possible to stand a chance at relevance as a credible alternative. We’re all better together. I really hope you reconsider.

  • PostColonialMyAss
    04 months ago

    Do what you need to do, but it’ll mean less traffic on overall - meaning people who are actively pro-ActivityPub will be switching and using other accounts more. I would probably be out shopping for a different node at that point. But I also fully understand the reasons why one would want to defederate.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    My reaction in a word:


    Beehaw and Lemmyworld are two instances I do not like, with their weird stances on federation, and especially LW’s pro-Zionist/Israel/NATO politics.

    Beehaw should have not done so much defederation, which left a bad taste in my mouth, as one of the core people that helped build, moderate, de-raid and shape up Lemmy in the past 3 years to the proper Reddit alternative it has become today. I moderate privacy and technology at lemmy.ml instance, and was solely responsible for r/piracy subreddit migration to Lemmy.

    Looking forward to Tildes way of doing things is a red flag to me. I would use Reddit before using Tildes.