I don’t have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn’t choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to “hear” music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn’t even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y’all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
Exoskeletons are almost viable already. Climbing a major hike without breaking a sweat is a real dream for outdoors people
Though number one for me would be personal temperature control. Imagine having the perfect ac everywhere you go. Somehow scifi ignores this idea but that would change everything.
Also cybernetic eyes obviously.
Temp control would be at the top of my list. I don’t handle heat well. I think I’m evolutionary primed to chase other mammals across vast frozen tundra. Summers are tough and getting tougher.