I don’t have a problem with cybernetic augmentation, I mostly would have a problem with the state of technology companies. I likely wouldn’t choose to get any because I would not be able to trust them. However, if I could get any sorta (relatively) basic augmentation, it would be built in headphones. Like to just be able to “hear” music and podcasts and audiobooks. My focus wouldn’t even be upgraded hearing or anything.
So do y’all have any similar quality of life augmentations you would want?
Volume control for the ears, with equalizer, decibel normalizer, and active noise cancelling.
Active noise cancelling for this fucking tinnitus would be a godsend
I would want a body pocket of at least 100 cm³, some volume controler for ears, and (personnal interest) a fully engineerable right eye
I wanna see the hype about regular colour. I’ve got red green blue yellow colourblindness. I wanna see how things are meant to be coloured.
Cyber eyes. I have thick glasses and a lot of floaters, so many that I cannot even tell if my glasses are clean or not most of the time.
But naturally they’d need to look natural and be with zoom, infrared, night vision, a camera function and a video playing function (no wireless functions though).
I have a rare lung condition, so I’d want a full double lung transplant and new heart. Maybe just make my chest entirely clear like a computer case.
And chop off both of my feet and give me something new. Not for any real reason, I just hate feet and would rather have springs or something else.
I’ve thought for many years that the first true cybernetics will be artificial eyes. If they can get self contained optic systems that fit into the eyeball space, it should be trivial to allow them to see a much wider spectrum, plus macro and telephoto. That would be cool. A computer interface for them would be awesome, but I’d have trust issues with that as well.
a HUD would be cool with a bionic eyes I think, so i could ‘see’ a list of stats. temperature, barometric pressure, direction of sound origin, my to do list, personal vitals like BP and heart rate, I could go on.
that would unfortunately have the same inherent trust issues as any company that made them would surely try to phone home with that data and probably try to insert ads and shit too.
A hearing implant that works by audio mixing rather than just raising volume. I’m not deaf, but I have trouble filtering out background noise.
auditory processing disorder? I suspect I have that too.
Yeah I think I either have been officially diagnosed with it as a kid or suspected of having it.
This might sound nuts but, programmable/shifting tattoos.
Like, it could detect elevated levels of cortisol in your blood or increased heart rate and then just gently pulse or warm up to a comforting temperature as a way calm you down or remind you to breathe. Or light up like a custom RGB keyboard, or change colors/holographic effects depending on time of day. Anything really.
A tattoo that works like a sign on the forehead that says “warning: grumpy” that lights up accordingly, would be useful for all of society in my opinion.
A brain/computer interface. But like you say, depending on the state of tech companies maybe only as an input (I can manipulate computers without allowing them to send a signal of any kind to me).
It’d just be for stuff like mentally dictating note taking, being able to “Google” my thoughts (probably best to send the output to my phone rather than directly into my brain)
A great SciFi book series with this is Old Man’s War. I love the brain pal concept in it.
“Hey asshole!” Love it.
Iove technology, so I was shocked at that part that someone would name their computer like that. But the character is 75 years old, so it makes sense.
Oh awesome. I’ve never heard of it, I’ll have to check it out
rg $face memories/ | jq .name
I want this plus perfect memory recall, imagine reading or watching something once and being able to remember it forever and bring that memory back whenever you want
Bionic back, mine is shit.
Give me mechanical tentacles like doc ock. I wouldn’t want to replace anything.
So you want the power of the sun in the palm of your hand as well huh
Exoskeletons are almost viable already. Climbing a major hike without breaking a sweat is a real dream for outdoors people
Though number one for me would be personal temperature control. Imagine having the perfect ac everywhere you go. Somehow scifi ignores this idea but that would change everything.
Also cybernetic eyes obviously.
Temp control would be at the top of my list. I don’t handle heat well. I think I’m evolutionary primed to chase other mammals across vast frozen tundra. Summers are tough and getting tougher.
Something like an eidetic memory chip would be splendid.
Parallel processing. Sometimes when speaking or thinking, something comes to mind which is related but presents a fork. It would be cool to chase both branches
Honestly, I’d go the full cyborg route, like in Ghost in the Shell. This would be my first step toward adjusting my consciousness to existing within and controlling an artificial environment, ultimately aiming for fully uploaded consciousness. I’d want to exist as a cyborg for a couple of decades, then I want to be uploaded into an autonomous space probe with as many sensor types as possible and left to explore the Universe (+/- relativistic speeds, I don’t really care). BUT I’d also want the possibility to erase myself, because I most certainly wouldn’t want to live forever. At least, not as I see it now. This is the purely sci-fi version.
In the realistic version, a cybernetic eye and a logic co-processor to increase my background process bandwidth. Sure, a brain-computer interface would also be nice, but I somehow suspect I’d get nostalgic for the clackety-clacks and would most likely revert to analog interfacing after a point (for which I’d like that “fingers within fingers” prosthetic from GitS).
Unless, of course, Musk (or any other such) will be handling said cybermods, in which case none, thanks. I’d rather just decay and die as a basic human being than have such people tinker with my bits.