Elon Musk is a foreigner that is directly causing our current problems.
The US has been the most evil country on earth long before musk arrived.
No argument there.
Elon Musk is a foreigner
No, he’s an American citizen. Or are American liberals full ‘blood and soil’ now?
Wym “now”? Lmao
It’s those fucking illegals who came over on the mayflower that caused this
had the native american’s been smart enough to build a wall across the ocean… none of this mess would have happened.
stubs toe
I frequent the “…thanks a lot Obama.”
They don’t even try.
The only wrong part of this meme is the implication that burgers would even try to not blame foreign meddling.
Mfw the country is founded by foreigners who didn’t like the other foreigners
It’s also a problem in europe
Edit: people blaming immigrants, that is, not immigration itself
and blaming communism, despite the fact that there’s no communism to be found in Europe
I’ll start. Go home white people! Go back to where you came from!
Capitalism and First-past-the-post voting.
Capitalists hate competition.
Lots of populist European parties are doing the same and are actually gaining votes by blaming everything on the immigrants.
One in particular from. South Africa
It’s not necessarily foreigners, but rather billionaires that are the problem. They bought off and corrupted government officials long ago, and directed them to perform heinous acts to line their pockets further. The rich have got to be stopped in order for things to get better. I’d prefer to simply tax them out of existence, but there are other means available…
The US was founded on slavery and genocide / conquest of hundreds of indigenous nations. It’s rotten to the core.
Yeah, and many of those founders were rich businessmen who didn’t want to pay taxes to the king of England. This is a human problem, not a national one.
George washington, franklin, jefferson, madison, all the founders were slave-owning colonizers who explicitly modelled their country after ancient Rome.
It’s not a human problem, these were specifically evil people who did not share the same values as the people they murdered and enslaved.
Most countries were not founded in this way.
Yeah, and many of those founders were rich businessmen who didn’t want to pay taxes to the king of England.
They were pissy that the king made it illegal to expand westward and exterminate all of the indigenous people. They were all “no, actually, the British Empire isn’t evil enough. Let’s make an even bigger and eviller empire than the [at the time] most evil empire on Earth.”
This is a human problem, not a national one.
It is a national and class problem, not a human one. Human nature is a bs concept invented to sell the status quo.
its an anglo nature problem for sure