CNN is already sane-washing this, referring to Musk’s “odd gesture.”
The real excuse from Elons fans is “It’s just a joke.” Or “He’s trolling libs.”
Which is almost as bad, even if true.
It reminds me of school bullies that would make cutting, abusive “jokes” and follow it up with “Just kidding, bruh” if it doesn’t land right. And these are some of the worst human beings I have ever personally encountered.
How can people worship something like that at such scale? Like, I wouldn’t even wish that on the most raging Nazi, it’s worse than breaking their jaw.
Yeah that’s bad, there are fields where you shouldn’t joke and politics is one of them.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
I asked the Anti-Duckification League and they say he’s a swan. You’re misconstruing things and frankly we find it a bit weird that you’d read so far into such a banal hand gesture.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, we need to get back to our primary goal of making the use of the phrase “From the River, To The Sea” a capital crime.
No, it’s probably a nazi. I don’t care how it looks or where it swims or even if it quacks.
I vote for a rebrand of MAGA: Make America Go Aryan.
Do you mean that Iran (translates to the land of the Aryans) should govern the USA? Or do you hint towards the Nazi race theories? But I thinkt the only Trump child that could be considered “Nazi approved Aryan” is Tiffany Trump, the others are all half slavic and thus considered sub-humans.
“No, see, it’s not a salute because his hand is tilted .026 degrees higher than that of Adolf Hitlers Nazi salute, so how can you even compare the two things, they’re completely different!!!”
Tbf, Adolf Hitlers salutes were really sloppy.
They’re gonna be mad that you insulted the führer
I’ve tried to imagine how I would gesture ‘my heart goes out to you’ vibes. In no world can I imagine a down-turned, flat palm, fingers straight and all together at about 45° (Nazi salute).
Like, if you were to give some one something (your metaphorical heart) you’d hand it over palm up. Or if you’re metaphorically distributing it like sewing seeds you would again, throw it out, palm up, hands slightly closed. Or if you’re throwing it like sand, you would have your fingers apart by the end of the throw.
In no world, does this make any sense other being a Nazi salute.
Or he’s the most awkward, weird dude in history. That is also, true, but given his other behaviour, I dunno how this could be read in any other way.
Racist “dog-wistling” is dead. This guy does two successive straight-up Nazi salutes after supporting right-wing politics in the USA and Germany and mainstream media still goes “hum, I’m not sure, maybe he’s sharing his heart”?
What’s next? “Oh no, it’s not a swastica flying over the capitol, it’s just 4 'F’s in a circle”.
MAGAts ain’t cryin tho
He is crying from happiness, until, as always, affects their family members.
Liberals deeply, passionately, fervently need to believe in some kind of cosmic justice for conservatives. But I’m surrounded by them deep down in the bleeding red state of Texas, and I’m sorry to report they’re thriving and multiplying.
Yeah, sure, they’ll bitch and cry like stuck pigs at the mildest inconvenience. But plenty of them still have fat bank accounts and big price-inflated houses they took the mortgage out on 20 years ago when land was cheap and college degrees with minimal debt and luxurious country club style mega-churches subsidized with public dollars and giant families with chubby little grandkids outfitted in all the latest MAGA apparel.
Like, the idea that you’ve got these armies of Crying MAGA voters who have sucked shit due to Republican policy is delusional. The army of billionaires showing up to the Trump Inauguration so they can kiss the ring and collect another few trillion in next year’s federal spending should let you know exactly how delusional.
Conservatives aren’t suffering and liberals would do well to stop pretending a friendly government is incapable of jerking its favored constituents off. Just because the last four liberal Presidents fumbled the bag for their base voters doesn’t mean Republicans can’t or won’t happily deliver.
Conservatives aren’t suffering
They are, they just aren’t aware they are, so in a way they’re not.
Travel around the U.S. A lot of conservative America looks like a 3rd world country. They suffer. They just aren’t aware, because they don’t travel. They don’t expand their perspective through knowledge. Rural conservatives will arguably suffer more than any other group under conservative leadership. But ignorance is bliss.
A lot of conservative America looks like a 3rd world country.
That’s not “conservative America”. That’s just “America”.
And what it looks like is an increasingly stratified society, in which obsence wealth abuts horrifying poverty.
Rural conservatives will arguably suffer more than any other group under conservative leadership.
Rural conservatives don’t exist in any meaningful number. What you have are rent seeking land barons and suburbanites operating defacto plantations with quasi-legal disenfranchised laborers.
The plantation owners aren’t going to suffer. It’s the migrant workers and day laborers who will eat shit. None of them are allowed to vote in any real sense.
1932 was a pivotal year in the Nazis’ ascent. It’s a terrifying parallel for today
Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler’s Early Rhetoric and Policies
Here’s the list from that second article. Article goes into detail for each.
Neither was elected by a majority. (not relevant now this was 2019)
Both found direct communication channels to their base.
Both blame others and divide on racial lines.
Both relentlessly demonize opponents.
They unceasingly attack objective truth.
They relentlessly attack mainstream media.
Their attacks on truth include science.
Their lies blur reality–and supporters spread them.
Both orchestrated mass rallies to show status.
They embrace extreme nationalism.
Both made closing borders a centerpiece.
They embraced mass detention and deportations.
Both used borders to protect selected industries.
They cemented their rule by enriching elites.
Both rejected international norms.
They attack domestic democratic processes.
Both attack the judiciary and rule of law.
Both glorify the military and demand loyalty oaths.
They proclaim unchecked power.
Both relegate women to subordinate roles.
We’re cooked guys.
Buy a gun.
And join the SRA while you’re at it
The birdy has grown
Ok, so imagine that you’re a billionaire and a really smart dude (as claimed by so many people on the internet). And you get into government and appear on TV and want to look good. You might hire a publicist, a PR team, some speechwriters, hell how about a body language consultant. When you go on TV you’re going to project exactly the image you intend to. Anything less would be careless and stupid, right?
So yeah. This was a Nazi salute. And if you really want to argue that it wasn’t, that Musk doesn’t even know what a Nazi is, you gotta also accept that he’s grossly incompetent and should not be in government at all. Throw him out, we didn’t vote for him.
What a fucking clown show of a state lmao. An empire in such steep decline that even the oligarchs and the politicians are incompetent.
Smart? He only has enough money to buy smart
He can’t quite get that arm up real good, can he.
Billionaire can’t even get a well-fitting suit.
You know what’s worse than a guy waving his arm around?
Women and children actually being murdered in Gaza.
It’s funny that this gets so much outrage but the genocide in Gaza isn’t causing as much hysteria.
WDYM Biden worked tirelessly towards a ceasefire.
Anyways how stupid are people to not realize Elon made a Nazi salute am I right?
He also supplied billions of dollars which killed 1000’s of men women and children
i think in a logical society it would have been the other way around (second image would be the first)
Well, our society is everything else, than Logical
its just a roman salute bro 🤓
I know you’re joking, but I still struggle to see how that makes things better? We have evidence that the Romans also committed genocide.
The nazis modeled a lot of their Reich on the Roman state (the eagle iconography was used by both). The Roman salute was just something else they took from their idea of the Roman empire
So I’m with you, I have no idea how “it’s a roman salute” is supposed to make anything better
yea im joking, its a very common apologia nazis throw when someone is caught doing the nazi salute.