Can’t believe nobody has linked the relevant xkcd yet
Which of course is why people referred to points when discussing stocks/markets. Got to love an unambiguous term.
That’s not even a stat question, it is a english question. It is an increase by 80% not to 80%
Statistics only come to play to figure out our new chances.In game design, it has to be stated whether it’s multiplicative or additive. Sometimes a logarithmic function is used as well, with increases in efficiency as 1 / ( 1 + bonus ). This allows you to always add more bonus, but there’s diminishing returns.
i wish it was more common to also indicate the precedence of a percentage increase, so that it’s easier to know if i’m dealing with (x + y ) * z or x + (y * z). although that’s admittedly a lot harder to communicate.
Just include a glossary of formulas for figuring out stats/chances/whatever in your game. With clearly labeled variables. Then throw a reference to that glossary in your tooltips/helpful popups.
It’s really pretty simple - if something increases by 80%, you add 80% of whatever it already is… one dollar becomes $1.80… one percent becomes 1.8 percent.
Most people don’t understand it because they’ve seen it done wrong so often, the wrong way seems right.
I’m quite willing to bet that 70% of the population has no clue that percentages, fractions, and decimals are the same thing.
That’s about 60% more than expected
Funny thing is this is a language issue, not a math issue.
I know all this. I play DPS!
So you’re telling me there’s a chance?
Wrong: I had a 1% chance, and I doubled my chances. Now my chances are 101%.
Right: I had a 1% chance, and I doubled my chances. Now my chances are 2%.
Wrighongt: I had a 1% chance, and I doubled my chances. Now my chances are 3%, because I’m a lucky person.
Even more confusing when you hear that the odds of catching a disease have increased by a %. In many ways odds can be more intuitive, but we’re so used to working with simple probability that it’s a total nightmare to wrap your head around at first.
Why lying with maths is so easy, the average person, even in developed countries is practically innumerate (massive hyperbole, but the fact lying with numbers is easy, still stands)
hopeful-weirdo just needs to be told to consider what increasing by 500% means and it’ll click.
The different ways in which numbers slide up, down, sideways, diagonally.
Is the example in the post part of the fifth type of arithmetic?
- Addition +
- Subtraction -
- Multiplication x
- Division /
- Modulo %
The first time I learned about modulo as its’ own branch of arithmetic was long out of school already, I had only hazily heard of it, on a PBS Nova documentary in the 1990s about Fermat’s famous theorem and when it was proven after centuries of failed tries.
No it’s not modulo, it’s how to talk about increasing a number by a percentage of the number.
Ever seen girl math?
“If I preload my Starbucks account with $25 and I go to Starbucks the following week, my order was free.”
“Spending money abroad doesn’t count because it’s a different currency.”
Things aren’t mathing as they should.
What makes this “girl” math?
Sexism 👉👉
Stupid people standing on soapboxes saying stupid shit.
Back in my day, people had to dedicate years of their life before they were given the opportunity to stand in front of hundreds of people and tell them things.
Brutha - they call it standing on a soapbox for a reason. And soapboxes havent physically been a thing for a real long time. Wait’ll you bear about “stumping”.
Anecdotally, I’ve only heard women use that sort of argument IRL. Kinda falls in the, “This widget is 80% so I’m saving money!”
Well, no, not if you didn’t have to purchase the widget in the first place.
Men are hardly immune, but in my experience it’s more so women.
ah yeah girl math where
“common irrational human psychology” + “deepseated hatred of women” = whatever the fuck this take is
As I recently learned,
“If I return clothes to the store (store credit), but then buy new clothes (using that store credit), those new clothes are free. (No new money spent)”