• Aielman15
    475 months ago

    Religion is ignorance and refusal to face reality.

    As long as people behave, treat others, and vote according to the sacred scriptures written by a crackhead thousands of years ago, and their influence shapes the world around me and puts a limit to my freedom, then there will be no distinction between religion and extremism. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

    • UnfortunateShort
      -325 months ago

      I’m a pansexual protestant Christian skepticist, who has not once tried to convert anyone and votes for far left parties. Please enlighten me how I’m inherently ignorant and taking your freedom.

      • @Quadhammer@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        Somewhere along the line churches have gotten it all wrong, along with supporting corrupt politics. So it’s them that needs fixin is how I see it

      • benwubbleyou
        -45 months ago

        Unfortunately I don’t think you will be able to actually getting anything from them. They clearly already look down on you for believing what you believe.

      • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
        -145 months ago

        Care to back your statement that ‘religion’ is ignorant? No one has any Idea what happens after death or are you enlightened enough to know and which case I would like you to tell us, which religion is taking away your freedom? You have the choice, you can follow any religion or leave it

        • TunaCowboy
          55 months ago

          Care to back your statement that ‘religion’ is ignorant?

          You can just go back and read your own comments, makes a pretty strong case.

        • myxi
          25 months ago

          No one has any Idea what happens after death

          What happens after is that brain stops functioning, as a result of that, your body starts to rot. Nothing else happens. Your brain, that I argue is the real you, stops functioning.

          which religion is taking away your freedom?

          My parents circumcised my penis when I didn’t know what they were doing, they permanently stole a part of me; and as a result of that crap, my sex life is ruined forever. They took away my freedom because of you shitheads who are ruining our world by influencing people into accepting religion. You guys have the audacity to claim that people have a choice after indoctrinating children of religions so that once they are adult they follow your religion.

          If you are so about choices, then make sure your kids don’t get to know about superstitious beliefs until they are an adult and only then tell them about your fantasies that you believe that a bearded man is watching us from the sky. I bet your kid is going to think you’ve gone crazy.

    • @SPRUNT@lemmy.world
      155 months ago

      Are you kidding me? Religion is supremely useful in controlling and exploiting people. It promises all of the wonderment and fantasticnous you can imagine while also promising the absolute worst nightmares you can imagine, and all you have to do is pay and pray, and the prayers are optional.

      “Work in service to your masters and you will be rewarded after you’re dead. Defy your masters and you will be punished for eternity” is the perfect tool of control for the uneducated/unintelligent.

  • @flying_sheep@lemmy.ml
    165 months ago

    “extremism” is what neoliberals invented to liken egalitarians with Nazis to make themselves look good.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    155 months ago

    Tbf extremism itself isn’t wrong. Any perspective can be considered extreme if it is too different from the status quo. Different isn’t necessarily bad.

    Granted religious extremism is typically far right reactionary ideology which is bad so I’m not really defending it. However, I find that a lot of people, especially Americans, call anything that radically challenges the current system extreme and therefore bad.

    • @Belzebubulubu
      25 months ago

      You are half right but I understand where you are coming from, you see extremism as what the bigots tell you it is (feminism, LGBT+, etc). But I in fact thing that taking an idea and turning the notch to a 100 always turns it bad, for example: Feminism turns into misandry when turn to the extreme, right wing turns into facism, black right movements can turn into black power, religion turns into cults, etc.

      But I agree that there are some cases in where this does not apply like gender equality (but thought I don’t know how that works tho).

      • ComradeSharkfucker
        5 months ago

        This is an aspect of horseshoe theory which is pretty meh tbh. Could you not say that the current status quo is extreme? It would have been considered that way by monarchists back in the day. Extremism is just radical change to the current social order which can end very well or very poorly.

        Personally I think labelling ideologies as extreme is a way for those who benefit from the current social order to encourage those who don’t to dismiss radical change as dangerous and destructive rather than an opportunity for growth.

        Capitalism is an extreme change when compared to feudalism but it is better no?

        If you’re interested I’d really recommend reading blackshirts and reds by Michael Parenti pdf audio. it’s a relatively short read at only 154 pages but it really helped develop my views on this subject

  • THCDenton
    145 months ago

    You can’t fight either directly. Fight stupdity and both go away.

  • @mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world
    105 months ago

    Tell me you are a Christian who is sad that people keep calling out how Christians have vitriolic hatred for their fellow man with telling me you are a Christian.

    Also anyone get a strong feeling that by extremist, OP means Muslims not Christofacist in the US

    • @SPRUNT@lemmy.world
      35 months ago

      The problem is that they aren’t trying to convince anyone to join their religion, they are trying to remove the choice by changing laws to reflect their religion. They could give two shits about if you believe, as long as you obey.

    • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
      5 months ago

      Well then you should not try to convince people to accept atheism as well🤷🏻

      Edit: This is not a serious counter argument in case it isn’t clear, ofc no one is going to every individual person, events and stalls are put up for this purpose, so it is obv. that the only one who will go there are the ones who are interested, there should be no force involved

  • Obinice
    35 months ago

    Sounds like a pretty extremist view there buddy puts on my fighting skirt

  • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
    -125 months ago

    I recently visited reddit and was horrified to see how many people there say “Lol he believes in sky dady, his opinions are worthless, ban all religion” and even some extreme comments like “All christians are pedoes” and I am seeing this rising slowly on lemmy as well

    Any sort of extremism is bad, whether that’s religious, political or atheistic(?), and thats what we should be fighting, banning hijabs is not gonna do any good

    • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
      65 months ago

      Extremism is not bad. The only proper response to fascism is antifascism, for example. Balance is not a virtue, that’s like saying we need both the KKK and the antiracists to make a nice balance.

      • @fastandcurious@lemmy.worldOP
        -75 months ago

        ‘Two wrongs make a right’

        What did an avg. Christian do who works 9-5, barely makes up enough money to support his family and kids, to be a called a pedophile, just the fact that he prays to a god? I love lemmy but All civil discussion is lost when you go against the majority opinion, which ironically enough is the exact same thing that fascist right wingers do, but ofc it’s not the same thing

        • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
          5 months ago

          Are you legitimately calling antiracism and antifascism a “wrong” just so you can take this “enlightened centrist” approach? What the fuck. Again, extremism isn’t a bad thing in and of itself, it depends on what you’re being extremist about. Being extremely antiracist? Good. Being extremely racist? Extremely bad.

          The average Christain who works 9-5, barely makes enough money to support his family and kids, is also homophobic, transphobic, racist, and sexist. It is the minority among religious people to take the correct approach.

          I am not blaming religious people, but Religion itself.

        • qaz
          5 months ago

          What did an avg. Christian do who works 9-5, barely makes up enough money to support his family and kids, to be a called a pedophile, just the fact that he prays to a god?

          That’s indeed very rude behavior towards your hypothetical person.

        • NielsBohron
          25 months ago

          which ironically enough is the exact same thing that fascist right wingers do, but ofc it’s not the same thing

          Middle Ground Fallacy. Just because two sides exist does not mean the truth is somewhere in the middle. There are issues where one side is objectively right. Supporting the side that is wrong does not make you a advocate for civility; it makes you wrong.

          Now, could there be more polite discussion? Sure. Does that mean anti-theists should allow religion to further taint our politics, rights, and conversation? Absolutely not.

          GTFO of here with this bullshit.