Feel free to share any life experiences or anecdotes.

  • TheBigBrother@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    University isn’t to get A grades, it is to make connections(contacts), A grades doesn’t assure anything, contacts can save your life.

  • JackLSauce@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Keep your share of rent between 1/4 and 1/3 of your income, set up passive savings contributions of at least 10% and use a high yield savings account to stave off inflation until you both have 3 months living expenses and understand why the best investment strategies are boring

    If you’re in university, your desired career and its requirements should determine your major, , not the other way around

    I graduated with a bachelor’s degree only to realize my career was a dead end because only in my senior year was I informed there’s such thing as a “mental health license” for which I was disqualified due to low grades in a non-related class the year prior. Eventually I learned how well blue collar jobs pay (with a lot of job security at that) and got back on my feet working in logistics but I’ll never see the 50x return on investments by retirement because “why learn about finances when you can barely pay rent”

    It all seems very obvious in hindsight

  • Mothra@mander.xyz
    8 months ago

    Worry more about your job than your grades. Create a stable source of income, your degree can wait especially if it’s not a traditionally stable profession (medicine, accountant, lawyer, etc).

    Exercise and maintain your strength and flexibility. This is super important, more so than the job. Staying healthy early on will save you a lot of money in doctors appointments by the time you hit your late 20s.

  • ChonkyOwlbear@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Young guys, invest in a good bed. Back pain sucks when you get older, so taking care of your spine early is important. Women are also much more likely to sleep with a guy that has a comfortable and inviting bed.

  • SamuraiBeandog@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Find a skill based hobby that you love and practice it every week. Stuff like a sport, musical instrument, art, etc. The hobby itself will be rewarding but there is no substitute for having decades of experience under your belt for these kind of activities.

    Also, don’t have children.

  • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    If you are still in school, unless you are trying to get into a post graduate school, like law school or med school. Your grades are the least interesting thing about you. Cs get degrees.

    Once you’re in the world. People care about experience and personality more than straight A’s or the deans list.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    -Life is too short for bad coffee, bad wine, bad shoes and bad people.

    -spend the required money in a good bed and a good chair. When it comes down to it later, it is not negotiable for your back.

    -you will have to have a lawyer involved sometimes such as drafting up a will. It’s worth it. Also: do your will and sort out your stuff even if you haven’t been diagnosed with a terminal illness.

    -clean like you’re moving house once a year. Cut down on the hoarding.

    -‘no’ Is a complete sentence.

    -sometimes acceptance of a situation is what it is is the only closure you’re ever going to get.

    -acknowledge your stuff <—//—> other people’s stuff. Others might not work on their own stuff but they aren’t your job.

    -resentment isn’t always something someone gives you nor is it the reality of the situation. Sometimes a person invites it along. Eg: assuming such things as someone being late to dinner is a personalized slight to your energy and time.

    -try not to confuse misunderstanding with malice.

    -remember the good ones. It’s so easy to just count the nasty people in your life and have them as your comparison for things. Spending your energy this way overlooks all the good people in your life and that’s not fair to them and the effort they put in with you.

  • Etterra@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Whatever you do, don’t buy expensive electronics, especially on credit. They will be outdated before you know it.

  • d00phy@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I have two that I always say:

    Take care of your teeth. They’re the only set you get. Also they don’t tell you this when you’re young, but all dental care is either preventative or reactionary. They can’t actually “fix” problems. If you have a cavity, that starts you down a road that ends with a crown or implant. Use any dental insurance you have religiously, pay for a good toothbrush (Oral-B or SoniCare), learn to floss properly and do it all every single day.

    Second, save now as much as you are able. If you can adhere to it, look into the 50-30-20 rule. One thing it took me too long to learn is, given an otherwise living income, you won’t miss money you don’t see. When savings is automatically deposited from your paycheck, it’s out of sight and mind.

    Lastly, just be yourself, and be a good person to those around you.

    • Valmond@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Good toothbrush advice (but don’t floss with a string, use those small brushes instead, doesn’t budge the teeth if you have to force the string through).

      But for spending? If you have loads of wealth, then why not, but I blew about all my cash I had when I was young, going on trips, partying, eating with people, buying hobby things, checking stuff out…

      I don’t regret that a second. I even think most old people would think it priceless just to go back in time and fool around a week as a 20 year old, but it’s too late now for them.

      So live right now is my recommendation I guess, without doing too stupid things obviously.


      • d00phy@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Not saying to not have fun while you’re young. By all means, go for it. Just pointing out that a small amount of savings when you’re young pays off much more over time. If you wait, you’ll spend your later years catching up!

        • Valmond@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Well I sure can put away way more money today than when I was young. Depends I guess 🤷

  • CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Drinking is not the most important things in the world.

    In the US for sure, teenagers start to idolize alcohol and eventually it becomes the pinnacle of cool for some. “Parties” end up revolving around just the alcohol and getting completely wasted. Trust me, you are not a cool, as charming, etc, as you think you are when drunk. And there’s are, absolutely people who will show up to these parties expecting to exploit drunk people.

    I’m not telling you ‘NEVER DRINK!’… More like, you don’t need to try drinking a lifetimes worth of alcohol everytime there’s alcohol around you. 1 drink can be enough. And don’t hang out with people who push you to drink or don’t accept ‘no’ as an answer and try to peer pressure you into drinking.

  • bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Don’t drink and drive.

    Always keep a first aid kit with you.

    Actually know how to use your first aid kit.

    It should be in a drawer or bag with a conspicuous Red Cross on it. If a stranger can’t figure out where the first aid kit is, you fucked up.