How is this meme about science?
How is this meme about science?
The figure shown appears on page 9 (page 12 of the full document linked).
If you’re wanting to practice soldering, and build a small, cheap project at the same time, I’d recommend cheap project kits from Aliexpress (there are probably equivalents on Amazon). Do projects that are through hole soldering first, before attempting SMD components.
There are plenty to choose from and they’re cheap, so if it doesn’t work then it doesn’t matter much.
There will be plenty of Youtube videos of people putting these things together if you want to know more.
Have fun!
Oh, I thought spacecrafts were wombs. It has to provide all necessary elements to sustain life. The astronauts even have “umbilical cords” attached to their spacesuits.
Astrology and Scientology want to know your location.
Wake me up when September ends.
Yes, people didn’t exist back then.
I’m guessing that’s a probability density function, is it a specific type?
It annoys me that the chemical image is using oxygens to represent the benzene rings.
“Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!”
It is in some places in the world.
Believing claims on the grounds that they haven’t been disproven is just bad epistemology
Well, it’s a good thing that wasn’t my position.
If you’re claiming my fridge has no tiny invisible pink elephants you are welcome to provide evidence.
I will make no claims on the matter and thus have to provide no evidence either way.
Edit: I think you’re confusing me for the other guy.
“There is enough evidence to be confident there aren’t structural problems” is what they’re really saying.
Bro, the graphite is not there. Everything is completely normal.
Negative claims require evidence.
Otherwise a safety engineer can go to a regulator and say “There are no structural issues with this building.” He is claiming there are no issues, he needs to back that up with evidence.
Your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on me. 😜
No, you can’t prove that something never happens or that something doesn’t exist.
Science, philosophy, and mathematics say otherwise.
I wasn’t arguing for the existence of god.
Let me break this down:
that’s not how evidence and proof works.
Proof of a negative is common in science and mathematics.
No, you can’t prove that something never happens or that something doesn’t exist.
Edit: For those who are downvoting here are some sources
No. A negative can be proven. It’s done all the time in science and mathematics.
Therapy is maintenance (at the very least). If you haven’t ever been to therapy, you’re driving around without an oil change.