I don’t think that we’re in a simulation, but I do find myself occasionally entertaining the idea of it.

I think it would be kinda funny, because I have seen so much ridiculous shit in my life, that the idea that all those ridiculous things were simulated inside a computer or that maybe an external player did those things that I witnessed, is just too weird and funny at the same time lol.

Also, I play Civilizations VI and I occasionally wonder ‘What if those settlers / soldiers / units / whatever are actually conscious. What if those lines of code actually think that they’re alive?’. In that case, they are in a simulation. The same could apply to other life simulators, such as the Sims 4.

Idk, what does Lemmy think about it?

    • kromem@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      It would matter in a number of ways.

      For example, we already know thanks to Bell’s paradox that local and nonlocal information likely have different governing rules.

      If we’re in a simulation, then there’s also very likely structured rules governing nonlocal information which might be able to be exploited - something we’d have no reason to suspect if not in a simulation.

      Much like how an emulated processor can only run operations slowly but there can be things like graphics processing which is passed through from the emulated OS to the host, and that passthrough can be exploited to run processing that couldn’t otherwise be run as fast locally, we might extract great value from knowing that we’re in a simulation, achieving results that the atomic limits on things like Moore’s law are going to soon start to prevent.

      Another would be that many virtual worlds have acknowledgements about the nature and purpose of themselves inserted into their world lore.

      If we are in a simulation, maybe we should check our own records to see if anything stands out through the benefit of modern hindsight which would indicate what the nature or purpose of the simulation might be.

      So while I agree that the personal meaning of life and value it offers is extremely locally dependent and doesn’t change much if we are or aren’t in a simulation, whether we are could have very profound effects on what is possible for us to accomplish as a civilization and in answering otherwise unanswerable questions about our metaphysics and the nature of our reality.

  • Jakdracula@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    This is a simulation and we are here on vacation.

    Imagine a civilization so advanced there’s no more death. There’s no more wars. There’s no more dying of old age, sickness, or anything else. You just exist in a beautiful society day after day after perfect day.

    After a couple thousand years, you might start to get bored. So you go into the simulation where you can starve to death, feel pain for the first time, fall in love, and when it’s all over, you wake up back in the advanced civilization with these great memories of what it was like to fear, to love, to be hungry…

    • Leg@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      This is the idea I run with. As a people, we have a natural attraction to simulated worlds. Stories, books, shows, movies, games, dreams, imagination. That’s our shit right there, and it makes sense that we’d hold onto that passion were we to go up a level.

  • Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    It’s just Pascal’s Wager with silicon valley tech dude bros standing in for the role of god. Really hard to unsee once you notice it.

  • kromem@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I think it’s extremely likely.

    First off, we unequivocally aren’t in a ‘real’ world, mathematically speaking. If we were in a world where matter was infinitely divisible and continuous, it would be extremely unlikely that we were in a simulation given the difficulty in simulating a world like that. It’s possible spacetime is continuous, but that’s literally impossible to know because of the Plank limit on measurement thresholds.

    Instead, we’re in a world that appears to be continuous from a big picture view (things like general relativity are based on a continuous universe), and then in the details also appears continuous - until interacted with.

    We do a very similar thing in video games today, specifically ones that use a technique called “procedural generation.” A game like No Man’s Sky can have billions of planets because they are generated with a continuous seed function. But then the games have to convert these continuous functions into discrete units in order to track the interactions free agents outside of the generation might make. If you (or an AI agent) move a mountain from point A to B, it’s effectively impossible to track if the geometry is continuous, so it converts to discrete units where state changes can be recorded.

    If memory efficient, if you deleted the persistent information about a change back to the initial generation state, it shouldn’t need to stay converted to discrete units and can go back to being determined by the continuous function. Guess what our reality does when the information about interactions with discrete units is deleted? That’s right, it goes back to behaving as if continuous.

    On top of all of this, a very common trope in the virtual worlds we are building today is sticking stuff that acknowledges it’s a virtual world inside the world lore - things like Outer Worlds having a heretical branch of the main world religion claiming things that you as a player know are the way the game actually works.

    Again, guess what? Our world has a heretical branch of the world’s most famous religion that were claiming we are in a copy of an original world brought about by an intelligence the original humans brought forth. They were even talking about how the original could be continuously divided but the copy couldn’t and that if you could find an indivisible point within things that you were in the copy (which they said was a good thing as the original humans just straight up died and if you were the copy there was an alleged guaranteed and unconditional afterlife).

    I have a really hard time seeing nature as coincidentally happening to model a continuous universe at macro scales and then a memory optimized state tracking of changes to that universe at micro scales, and then a little known heretical group claiming effectively simulation theory including discussions of continuous vs discrete matter in a tradition whose main document was only rediscovered the same week we turned on the first computer capable of simulating another computer on Dec 10th, 1945. That would be quite the coincidence.

  • slazer2au@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I would like to see the JIRA board for fixing the vast amount of errors that occur over time with humans plus how they plan to balance wealth as a tool.

  • doublejay1999@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Super fun idea which I guess came after the Civ games. And certainly after computer programming.

    As plausible as any hypothesis because we are wired that way.

    Brains don’t do so great trying to grasp the incomprehensible improbability of life on earth , so all these stories have fertile ground in which to grow

  • foggy@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Before the AI boom I was on the fence. Like it’s not disprovable, so it doesn’t interest me.

    But now we’re like… Running actual earth sims.

    So yeah. Simulation confirmed. Nothing is real.

    • kromem@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Yeah, the speed and direction of advancement of AI definitely further shifted my perspective on the topic as well.

      For me the biggest application that raises an eyebrow are the continued and expanding efforts at using AI to resurrect dead people using the data they left behind or to create digital copies of people in virtual worlds.

      Is there any reason to think that trend won’t continue? As a person who is part of a generation leaving behind unprecedented amounts of data, it seems like the kind of thing we should be thinking about more.

      Nothing is real.

      Well, no matter if we are in a simulation or not, we already have experimental evidence confirming nothing is (mathematically) real in our universe. Spacetime itself could be but as far as we know that’s impossible to determine because of the fundamental limits on measurement below the Plank length. But all matter in it definitely isn’t ‘real.’ Which is convenient for simulation theory, as a universe filled with mathematically real matter would be effectively impossible to be a simulated one if free will also exists in it.

  • all-knight-party@kbin.run
    5 months ago

    It’s trippy to think about. The only things we know about existence are through our own experience, so there’s basically nothing about our reality that we could say proves we’re not in a simulation.

    By that logic it seems probable that we are in one that could be ran by any civilization only moderately further along the scale of time and technology than we are. I don’t think it would change whether I thought life was worth living or not, but it would certainly be weird to imagine somebody could be watching what you’re doing at any given time.

  • ultranaut@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    It’s an interesting idea but inherently impossible to prove and thus ultimately kind of a useless question for anything but entertainment. I think it’s really not much different than believing life is a very elaborate dream and you’re going to eventually wake up as a butterfly or whatever.

  • Sam_Bass@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    Your mind is gonna conjure up anything it can to make sense of the world it lives in.

  • NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I think if you take a kind of birds-eye view (i.e. The proverbial forest) of the world around us without putting effort into understanding the granular nature of the individual things (i.e. the trees) around us, then one of the takeaways could be that we exist in an otherwise chaotic universe, which might give rise to this thought that we’re living in a simulation. —That said, the world isn’t chaotic, not really. It is an incredibly complex group of relations and things, and most of it has little concern for us as individuals.

    Some of us sometimes struggle to see the forest from trees. Others of us sometimes struggle to see the trees from the forest.

    There’s a big ol’ beautiful world out there beyond our computers and the games we play. It’s worth going out and studying a lot of it.

    -What would be the implications if we were in a simulation? would it matter?