• @Wage_slave@lemmy.ml
    09 months ago

    Is everything world news on lemmy about China? Like I’ve seen everything from crap articles saying China has a declining population like its a bad thing, or how the west looks like shit compared.

    Like, it’s nothing racist or offensive. Not to me at least. Just lots and lots of it being the primary topic in ways that I’m ain’t too familiar with.

    • @tintory@lemm.eeOP
      09 months ago

      China is very active player and driving up events, especially as they may be working with nazi wannabes in the German government

      • alternative_factor
        09 months ago

        Tankies: China is a world power!! It drives so many world events!!
        Tankies: Nooo how dare China get in the press (good, bad, and neutral).

        They feel like any China coverage is inherently imperialist, even when its “China breaks fusion record”, that is meddling in China’s internal affairs to them.

        • AmberPrince
          09 months ago

          For real. The tankie problem here is crazy. I can say something like China is trying to deny freedom of navigation of international waters on the South China Sea and somehow it becomes “BuT aMeRiCa”. I don’t get it.

          • @reddwarf@feddit.nl
            09 months ago

            I’ve been seeing this a lot from instances like hexbear and lemmygrad and my take is either cult members, paid trolls, brainwashed persons prone to pavlovian responses, or all of the above.

            I just wish that as a user I could block instances.

            • @zephyreks@lemmy.ca
              09 months ago

              This isn’t unique to the far-left, though. It’s a problem throughout the entire political spectrum.

              It’s rather dangerous to be creating echo chambers in a democracy, though. Democracy lives off of discourse between opposing views.

              • @reddwarf@feddit.nl
                09 months ago

                I would not call them far left tbh. There’s something else about them that irks me. It honestly feels more North Korean to me and that ain’t left by any stretch of the imagination. It seems to be more authoritarian minded.