What is that one video game cheat code you’ll never forget about?
I’ll start us off with the classic “Explode All Cars” cheat from the classic 2004 game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, as that is one that I remember using a lot for no rhyme or reason:
Rosebud for money in the Sims
“up up down down left right left right B A B Start”
Contra - NES
Isn’t it just ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA<start>? No second B?
aegis for Age of Empires II. Instant building, gathering, research, etc. And of course marco for revealing map and polo to remove fog of war. cheese steak jimmy’s for extra food and lumberjack for extra wood. I always struggled to manage those two resources. But even more importantly, how do you turn this on, for that cool siege sports car.
Man, I played a lot of AoE as a child and teenager.
Don’t forget robin hood and rock on.
Impulse101 for Half-Life to get everything from the very beginning and create havok for the scientists.
And of course the Konami Code
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
You missed half the code! UUDDLRLRBA
Yep brain fart nice catch
and create havok for the scientists
“ACK! Well. I seem to be seriously wounded.”
My username. If you enter urata as your name when you play Castlevania III for NES you start with the mage character (Sypha Belnades) available from the start.
Also iddqd for god mode and idkfa for all weapons in DOOM because that game was way too hard when I was a kid.
How do you turn this on (Age of)
Fly and ghost (Unreal 1 : to observe every minute details of the map))
God mode in Duke Nukem 3D, “dncornholio”. Come get some…
How do you turn this thing on
B-A-R-R-A-L as the name of a new save in Donkey Kong Country to start with 50 lives. Also the Konami code obvi
Final level in Bubsy.
I am thrilled to see some love for Bubsy
Porkcharsui in the original pc version of Grand Theft Auto. If you named your character this, you had an overlay with coordinates so you could find your way easier, you’d get all the guns and the possibility to toggle a kind of sped up mode.
Oh and howdoiturnthison in Age of Empires 2 to get an AC Cobra with machine guns