Again. The morons did it again.
Europeans have already memory holed the Nordstream 2
US foreign policy didn’t change when trump entered or left office last time. It won’t this time. It’s still going to be not good.
Oh sure, nothing changed with US foreign policy.
Except for starting trade wars with Canada, selling out the Kurds, trying to kill NATO, rehabilitating Russia, making a deal with ISIS, all the shit with Mexico…
selling out the Kurds
oh honey. selling out the Kurds is a fucking meme at this point
rehabilitating Russia
what arrogance to think that countries outside of America can’t steer their own destiny
Please share with the class what you think Russia did to rehabilitate themselves to the rest of the world
Oh here I thought you were being serious and talking about the material conditions within Russia and their ability to exercise autonomy against the imperial hedgemon. You’re on some baby brained fantasy shit about personal opinions you hold in the western sphere.
Well I can’t argue with you there. Le epic ebil voldemort oral sex with a man bad guy
Don’t forget trying to start a war with Iran (and maybe Iraq too) by assassinating an intelligence head during a peace conference with Iraq.
Well your last guy was a genocidal maniac with dementia; Americans need to realise that, from the perspective of foreigners, bloodthirsty aggression is bipartisan in the USA, and that Trump’s main differences are in the domestic arena.
We do not care that “he’s an orange”.
I don’t get it.
It’s liberals suddenly flipping to think the is the US is the bad guy now like they did in 2016 and showing how ignorant they are of US actions abroad for literally decades.
Or maybe now they’re worried because they think the things they’re fine with happening to brown people might creep over into affecting white Europeans negatively, 'cos it sure hasn’t occured to them the genocide we were already endorsing for the past year.
Europeans are about to find out what Kissinger meant when he said that it may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.
Don’t forget that US have the biggest army, beause all the taxes go to the army and new Ferraries and yachts for some CEO Friends, not to healthcare, education, social aid, labor rights, human rights and other senseless waste for which it’s used by the EU.
Imagine stacking your national security on a country that can fundamentally change itself every 5 years
Europeans atm :
A fascist orange felon who has had closed door meetings with tyrants.
closed door meetings with tyrants
Anyone in particular?
Putin. Try harder.
I get my news from here, I don’t have to try. When was the meeting?
Ever heard of google?
No need to be rude
Ask stupid question, get stupid answers
Will Europe stop buying American weapons and develop their own alternatives? Probably not. Again.
I’m more concerned with the military leadership. Without the competence and conscience of a good head the body dies