Can we go back to having the military musicians perform the anthem? Stop giving the once in a life time honor to random celebrities.
No pandering goes a long way
I just noticed on my calendar that Inauguration Day is a “regional holiday”. People get a day off for this, but not to vote?
Well of course this is the day the power hierarchy is reasserting itself. The people should passively bask with obedience in the magnificence of their democratically apointed superiors. A day off to vote is basically the opposite of every word in my previous sentence.
-We have asked the Apple intelligence, what the opposite of that is was, and it responded:
A day off to vote would shatter the delicate illusion that power flows naturally downward from the heavens to its rightful stewards. It would turn the masses from passive spectators into active participants, a dangerous and destabilizing affront to the sanctity of hierarchical order. Encouraging the rabble to take a holiday for something as unscripted and uncontrollable as voting would disrupt the carefully choreographed theater of deference, where the governed are meant to genuflect before their governors, not assert themselves as their equals.
Monday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It’s an annual holiday, where banks, schools, and other institutions are typically closed.
In other words, nazis overshadowed Martin Luther King Jr. on his own day.
Oh good point, tbh I didn’t even remember it was also MLK day - but I thought that a National holiday? Maybe only in “woke” blue states IDK.
Man that’s actually fucked up.
Gosh is Snopes bored?
They’ve been checked out on serious political fact checking for some time. Now its all just “Meme is a meme. False.”
My friend was the editor there for a long time. They had a big scandal, I’m surprised it exists still.
Can we get one of snoop as Clayton Bigsby?
OK why does this outfit look so similar to a previous well known organization or if you may a clan with a K
That’s the joke.
There’s a reason why you shouldn’t do live performance.
Shoutout to the laughing emoji for telling me this is funny, otherwise I would not have noticed.
Wait the Democrats won?
You rednecks have a twisted history of claiming democrats of today are the same as democrats of anti bellum. But then again you wave the flag of an enemy nation that was stomped out like a cockroach , and build statues to traitors of the unites states, yet you think you’re patriots.
Yeah because they’re called Democrats lol
Ooooh i get it now! You’re an idiot.
Because I can read?
So which is it? Your the party of Lincoln or your the party that celebrates confederate “heritage”? Can’t be both.
Ok, so you are for government regulation and opposed to states rights and for social justice. Which means you are opposed to current republican party platforms. Sorry didn’t realize you were a current liberal Democrat.
Uh no because then I would be hateful, racist and a bigot
Oh bless your heart honey, as the Southerners say.