All of them.
I love the bachelor life.
I had a friend in college who I was briefly interested in, she was nice but I found her to be way too conservative for me to really feel comfortable with so in hindsight I’m glad she ended up dating ( and dumping) one of my other friends instead.
All of them.
Most of them as they seem to be in caring relationships with families of their own, much like I am with my wife.
Nothing negative just good love all round.
I had one that was my childhood friend and daughter of my mother’s best friend. We threw hints to each other and even lived together for a while due to financial constraints. I am glad she went to another as her mother ended up trying to kill my mother in a road rage. Nothing serious happened to my mother, but I was furious nonetheless and we parted ways. It’s been a decade since I heard anything of her or her mother.
Used to have a “crush” on this girl i was friends with in like the 2nd grade. Would have been real awkward when i hit puberty and realized i only like men.
Oh, most of them.