Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn’t translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.

Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.

    • ShaggySnacks@lemmy.myserv.one
      1 year ago

      The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve what it considers coercion.

      North American Man/Boy Love Association is very pedophilia focused and they should be disbanded.

      • CallumWells@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        Yeah, that was about what I thought it was…
        Same with the attempt to make people call pedophiles "MAP"s instead. (For those who haven’t been made aware of the abbreviation; it is meant to stand for “Minor Attracted Person”. While it’s a more broad term than pedophile, since it includes the other age ranges (Something like hebephile and such, I don’t remember them all, learned about it from a joke a comedian told), for normal conversations I think pedophile works fine for talking about everyone attracted to people below a certain age of which we (society) deem them capable of consenting to some things)