I am failing to see the interest in having tons of IOT devices to manage, connect, segment, etc… Why would someone want to do it? To be clear, I have friends deep in it but… I still don’t understand. Can anyone try to explain the magic I am failing to see?

Edit: Thank you all for sharing your experiences! The ones I found more interesting are those that can easily translate in reducing or tracking consumption. The rest I hear but makes more sense when I look at it from an hobbyist perspective.

  • makingStuffForFun@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    My wife is nearly home. System alerts me. I quickly tidy my day’s mess. She doesn’t need that after a big day.

    She arrives. Gate opens for her automatically.

    As she approaches the door, the light turns on for her.

    Her night time play lists starts on low volume, overriding mine.

    A leopard approaches the house. The house robot with bolt on subscriptions, (the expensive “hunt and defend” add on), wreaks carnage on said leopard, only to find it was a child trick or treating. Lawyers for subscription bot are arranging payment to child’s family for their lost family member.

    All in all, it’s really useful.

  • cynar@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    In short, enlightened laziness.

    I can turn the bedroom lights on and off, from my bed.

    I can turn the bathroom light off, after my young daughter left it on, in the middle of the night.

    My livingroom lights colour shift, to keep my family’s sleep cycle in vague check.

    I can turn my heating down room by room, if it’s not needed. Conversely, I can preheat the house, on the way home.

    While the setup took a bit of prep work, it’s now highly reliable, and makes my life a lot easier.

    • InputZero@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Agreed, a little home automation can be nice. I like being able to turn my lights weird colours on a whim, it’s pretty. With the exception of edge cases and people who have a disability I really don’t understand smart large appliances and smart locks. I really hope there’s a reliable smart lock for them and people in the edge cases. I haven’t looked into it at all so I’ll just leave it there.

      • cynar@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Unfortunately, a lot of appliances have jumped on the IoT bandwagon, but have missed the wood for the trees. They all want you to use their own proprietary app to control it. This cripples the biggest advantage of IoT, synergies.

        A tumble dryer that you can turn on and off from an app is fairly useless. A tumble dryer that can sync its load with the other appliances, and the current solar panel output is a different story. Even with simpler setups there are synergies. Having a light pulse when the washing is done could be extremely useful to some people. Particularly if the appliance is in another part of the house.

        As for smart locks… The less said about them, the better. Unfortunately, the “S” in IoT stands for security. That’s fine for a lightbulb etc, but not for a critical door lock. It’s frustrating. I would love a decent smart, well made, door lock, with a viable open protocol. They just don’t exist yet.

        As for why a smart lock would be good? Dynamic access control. With a normal lock, if you give someone a key, they have full access, whenever. They can also copy your key, and so taking it back isn’t always reliable. A smart lock lets you authorise and de-authorise people on the fly. E.g. it works normally for you, but your mother in law’s login (keycard, dongle, app, fingerprint etc) sets off a warning on your phone. You might also want to let a delivery driver open the door, while watching them through a camera. Your package is now secured, and even the driver can’t get back to it.

      • chunkystyles@discuss.online
        8 months ago

        I have a Yale front door lock tied in to Home Assistant through Zigbee. It’s completely controlled locally.

        I own a bed and breakfast. The day a guest arrives, I have homemade apps that get the last 4 digits of their phone numbers and program them into the lock. The day they leave those numbers are deleted from the lock. The lock also runs on schedules. It locks at 10pm and unlocks at 7:30am, unless we have no guests where it just always stays locked.

        It’s so so nice. It’s also pretty secure.

  • fishos@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I have ADHD. It’s easy for me to forget something in my routine. So I’ve set up many of my routines to be automatic or controlled with a single voice command.

    When I wake up to my alarms, my lights start turning on gradually at a dimmer setting and blue. Then they turn white at full brightness to really wake me when it’s time. When I leave for work, I simply say “I’m leaving” and my lights all set themselves appropriately. I even have certain things like space heaters on a smart switch and they automatically turn off when I’m not home in case I forgot to manually shut them off.

    Then when I get home, instead of needing to hit a bunch of switches for all of my various lights, I simply say “I’m home” and in 15 seconds everything does for me what would have taken me 5 minutes manually. By the time I have my shoes off, my house is already ready for me.

    When I go to bed, it’s the same. A simple “goodnight” turns my TV off, turns my fan up, and turns the lights off, all with me not having to get out of bed.

    When I do laundry, my phone gets a notification when things are done. I’m able to plan my cycles more efficiently and do things like run an errand and be able to be back just in time to swap loads. When there’s an error, instead of “E43” or some nonsense on the screen that I need to lookup and is still vague, I get a notification in the app that says “Error: Washer unbalanced. Please check load and restart” and actually helps me.

    If a fire alarm goes off in my house and I’m not home, my security cameras will pick up the noise of the alarm and send an urgent push notification to my phone. I can check in and see if someone just burnt food or if there is an actual emergency.

    I could go on. I’ll admit that being tied to google/Amazon isn’t ideal and you should use something like HomeAssistant instead so you have complete control. It’s just a steeper learning curve, is all. But regardless, you want a home from The Jetsons? It’s already here. Not perfect mind you, but in large parts it’s already obtainable and really not that expensive. Just swap a bulb/switch here and there.

    • Jordan_U@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      Please be sure to check that the smart switches you have space heaters plugged into are rated for that many amps.

    • grabyourmotherskeys@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I love all this but it would survive contact with my family. :)

      I have tried to set stuff like up but mainly in my wfh office and then just as an experiment.

      • Hexarei@programming.dev
        8 months ago

        Yep, I feel this one. I’m of the opinion that automation should stay out of the way. As a result, my automations are all very carefully crafted to be wife-approved - Anything I can automate is done without interrupting the usual way you’d interact with the thing. My lights are all z-wave light switches, so that anyone who needs a light can just click it on. Any light-based automations are disabled while someone is in the room the lights are in (except ones like “when a movie starts on the Roku, turn off the home theater room light”).

      • fishos@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Nothing more than a LG washer and Dryer and their app. It tells you a lot more, including exact times things will finish, in the app.

        Also, unrelated, but are you aware your account is listed as a bot account? Or at least it appears that way to me. You have the little bit emoji by your name. It’s in your account settings if you’re unaware.

        • MigratingtoLemmy@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          Thanks for pointing it out. I have no idea why my account is flagged as a bot account, and I haven’t been able to fix it all this while. At some point I just gave up.

          Ever think about a home-assistant setup for your washing machine?

          • fishos@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Haha no worries. You’re a good bot.

            I am in fact. I just got a raspberry pi and want to set up HomeAssistant for everything. I don’t like that if the Internet goes down, all my stuff goes haywire. So I want to get it all on my local network.

  • Hexarei@programming.dev
    8 months ago

    Honestly for me the draw is in minimizing the mental/emotional overhead of forgetfulness. My wife and I both have ADHD, and I have autism. That leads to a potent combination of spacing out and forgetting even very important things.

    So both in service of that and as a fun hobby (My special interest is computing), I have automation using presence detection, various timers, Z-wave outlets/light switches (I refuse to use IoT, I prefer local access/control every time), GPS position and various stuff like that, in order to avoid things like leaving our home theater projector powered on unwatched (reducing bulb lifetime), leaving the oven on, leaving the espresso machine on (boiler heating water over and over again unnecessarily, wasting thousands of watt-hours of electricity), turning reptile enclosure lights on/off on a schedule with sunrise/sunset, that sort of thing.

    I have this ultimate vision in my head of my bedtime routine going from “Walk through the whole house for a few minutes and lock doors/turn things off” to “Triple-click my bedroom light switch ‘off’ and it turns off the rest of the house lights/TVs/projectors, reduces AC temperature a couple degrees, locks the doors, arms the security system for ‘home’, locks the car…”. You get the idea.

  • thezeesystem@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    A different take from a different person.

    Accessibility for my disabilities, able to have the lights turned down when I have a migraine and can’t get up because of pain, as well as reminders and timers with just my voice. Automation helps with my disabilities too.

  • So many reasons.

    Smart locks on doors that disarm house alarms when they’re unlocked with a code. Lights that turn on when someone is in a room, and off when the room is empty. The garage door alerting you that it’s still open around the time you go to bed. The house stereo turning itself off at a certain time on weeknights, and the house alarm system turning itself on at the same time. Being able to check that the gas fireplace is off after you’ve driven out of your neighborhood on your way somewhere. The house disabling the security system for 20 minutes when it detects you on the second floor landing, so that you don’t trip the motion sensors when you go down for a snack.

    A non-trivial example of some more complex things our house does: when one of our phones enters the neighborhood, and it is after dark, our carriage and porch lights come on. If no other phones are already home, some of the inside lights also turn on. When we turn onto our street, the garage door opens. After the garage door is closed, the outside lights turn off.

    Any number of things ranging from small to large conveniences. Some small conveniences become large ones when you have guests staying over.

    Edit: ooo, ooo, one other thing: I have a bunch of these switches around the house that have multiple buttons and are programmable (they recognize single click, double click, hold, etc). It allows me to hook almost any part of my house to any switch, without rewiring everything. I have several configured to turn off the alarm system, I can manually turn off all of the first-floor lights from the upstairs master, I have one in the entryway set to toggle a lamp in the office to avoid having to walk in there, navigate around the desk to the far side of the room, and switch it from there. I configured one to turn the gas fireplace on and off, because the builders had not seen fit to wire the controls to a wall-switch.

    The switches look like this

  • eek2121@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    For me, things were pretty easy/quick to set up, and the benefit? Lower electric bills. More convenience.

  • GrappleHat@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Unpopular opinion: home automation is overblown. Except for the disabled or edge cases the convenience these solutions add are comparable to the inconvenience they bring (added expensive, harder to maintain, repair, replace, etc).

    I’ll get out of bed to turn off the lights.

    • cynar@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Ironically, IKEA of all companies has done it right. Their smart lighting is price comparable to dumb lighting, and works out of the box. Even pairing an additional bulb to an older controller is fairly painless.

      Under the hood, however, they are using ZigBee. This means they are cross compatible. You’re not locked into their ecosystem.

      Basically, you can have something as simple as a drop in lamp bulb, that can be turned off or on with a little remote. If you want more capabilities, it will scale with your desires, including playing nicely with other brands.

      Most heavily advertised home automation is a steaming pile of shit. It’s mostly to try and lock you into their ecosystem and either sell your data, or show you adverts. Hobbyists can go DEEP. There is a useful middle ground however. It just gets quite buried in the noise.

  • june@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I love walking into my kitchen and having the lights come on at an appropriate brightness based on time of day without having to interact with the switch. I love having my gawdy custom LED lights come on in the hallway when I open my bedroom door, and having them super low at night when it’s dark so I can still see without blasting my irises. I like having a heater that runs on one end of the room until the other end hits a certain temp, and more so only having it come on if the temp is below a specific threshold in the morning. I love having my porch lights turn on and off with sunset/sunrise, and having seasonal lighting schemes. I love knowing when my house is entered and exited when I’m away, knowing that I can control many things while out of the house like lights, or if I need to open the garage door for a friend to grab something, or give access to someone once without having to give them a key, or to have the TV room turning on before I head in there so I don’t have to bother with sitting through the power up cycle for everything. Mostly, I like being able to control lights without them having to be on the same circuit. My living room doesn’t have a light fixture with a switch, but I’ve got 4 lamps and two switched down lights (one at my front door and one over the fireplace) that are all controlled from a single wireless switch, button on my phone, or voice command. My bedroom is the same, I don’t have to turn out the lights and then get in bed in the dark. I get in bed and press the action button on my phone (which works conditionally based on time, location, and a couple other consistent factors) and the lights turn off while the fan turns on. It’s a lot of work for a bunch of minor conveniences, but more than anything I really enjoy the technology and seeing what other weird and stupid things I can do with it.

    • d00phy@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Me too. It all comes down to not having to remember the little things you do or want done at the same time every day.

  • Juvyn00b@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    My journey started innocently. I wanted some dimmers in my basement which has my office and a theater setup with 3 separate light sets. Then my wife wanted a craft area so I added another dimmer. I then bought some smart plugs to control my desk lamp and my monitors. Initially all of these devices were individually controlled either via web page or by the company app (Shelly) all within the confines of my LAN. I then spun up home assistant to see what it could do on a whim - and found it had built in hooks for my projector, receiver and Nvidia shield. When I sit down to watch a movie, I can now dim all lights, turn off distracting things (my office monitors and desk lamp), kick on the projector and control the shield to pick a movie. And if I have to use the bathroom? Pause the movie, turn up the accent lights and walk without fumbling for a single switch. Also - the dimmers are all connected to physical switches on the wall so it’s not a “phone only” setup. Press the wall switch, lights come on. Hold the switch, and the lights start at their lowest point. Double click the switch and full brightness. Pretty versatile!

  • viralJ@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I personally don’t have any of that but here’s what I would like to use it for. When I go away for, say, two weeks, I’d like to be able to randomly flick lights and TV on and off in my apartment to seem like someone’s home. Currently I do it by plugging floor lamps into timered power socket controllers, but they aren’t internet enabled so all I can do is program them to come on and off at specified times during the day, which an observant burglar could figure out.

    I would also like to save on gas bills and turn the heating off when I go away. But if it’s winter time and I go away for 2 weeks, I hate coming back to a cold flat that take ages to warm up to comfortable temperatures. I’d like to be able to turn the heating off when I leave, and then back on, say, a whole day before I come back.

  • BeefPiano@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Like someone else said, it’s a hobby. I spend money on things, they make me happy for a little bit, they make problems for me, rinse, repeat.

    Why do people go fishing when you can buy fish in the store? Why do people draw instead of taking pictures?

    It’s nice to go to bed with all the lights on, press a button and have them all go off. It’s nice to have the doors lock when I leave and unlock when I come home. It’s nice to get an alert on my phone if my garage door is open when I leave. It’s nice that all the lights come on as the sun sets.

    None of these are necessary, but all of them are nice and it would be annoying if I had to go back to dumb lights.

  • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    For a lot of things, it’s a solution in search of a problem. I set it up on its own vlan because since I do networking every day for work segmenting things off is really simple for me.

    I only have a handful of automations that I use.

    • Turn on the garage backyard lights and the back door lights when I get home after sunset.

    • Send my robo vacuum out whenever I leave the house for more than 5 minutes.

    • Turn on the porch light and the exterior housing lights at sunset and off at sunrise.

    • A button to turn off all the lights on my house on my phone that I use every night when I go to bed.

    • A button in my living room that turns on two table lamps, a floor lamp, and some accent lights instead of turning them all on individually. It also turns them all off.

    • Scene buttons at the bar that will turn on multiple lights and change colors. I’m planning to do animations with the lights here so that I can press a button and the lights do a little dance.

    I don’t really like motion sensors for rooms or areas because there are a lot of times I come in I don’t actually want the lights on. I also don’t have a million sensors because I don’t want to deal with batteries or really care about everything. Things should have a purpose and not just lights that feel like they are there just for the sake of “hey look, I have lights that do something.”

  • SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Being able to turn lights on and off on four different levels of a house simplifies life without having to run up and down stairs with dodgy knees. A connected doorbell camera is also quite useful for being alerted when mail or packages are delivered, especially if nobody’s home, and for screening solicitors. Voice assistants in multiple rooms aid in control of these and other features, especially when busy.

  • rustyricotta@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    In addition to all the automation everyone has talked about, some of us are also data nerds.

    I enjoy knowing the temp, air quality, etc. in every room. How does this change throughout the day/season? Did leaving this door open or this fan on improve anything? What can I automate at what threshold to improve things?

    You can also get a lot of data about energy usage too. And if you have solar and battery, it’s neat seeing how much it affects and how much you save.

    Automation is useful, but in the end it’s just a hobby like many other things. It’s fine to be into it or not into it.