Decentralized governments/leaders in small communties, decentralized power sources, decentralized market, currency and so on. On top, every community gets own decentralized social network.

    14 days ago

    How would you decentralize physical infrastructure like roads, rail, power lines, sewers etc.? Someone will need to be responsible for maintenance, and you can’t exactly switch out which sewer is connected to your house in case you’re unsatisfied with whoever is running that show. I’m imagining 20 identical roads running in parallel from A to B so people can choose which one to associate with. And a hundred different internets cramming the already limited electromagnetic spectrum we have because there’s no central authority to regulate them.

  • I Cast
    14 days ago

    Decentralized governments: already a reality in most places, with a clear hierarchy (federal, state/province, city). Local communities aren’t always formed, but can coexist

    Decentralized power sources: kinda there already? The thing is that it makes more sense economically to have a small number of big power plants than spread then thinly, especially due to industry needs that can be much larger than what residential lines typically transmit

    Decentralized market: I mean, open fairs and small, corner markets are still a thing, no? Or what kind of market do you mean?

    Decentralized currency: crypto kinda does that? There’s no central authority issuing whatever-coins. In more real-life terms, decentralized currency is deeply tied to local economy and you can look at history for how something like that used to work: small kingdoms almost always wanted to mint their own coins, then whenever conducting trade with external markets, some exchange rates would be set based on supply/demand.