I’m really worried about the state of the US despite being a white male who was I’ll coast right through it. I’ll also accept “I don’t” and “very poorly” as answers

  • @Reddfugee42@lemmy.world
    05 months ago

    There’s tons of evidence that the world is getting better. Life expectancies are the highest they’ve ever been, disease is the lowest it’s ever been, globalization is distributing opportunities for relative prosperity to previously ignored or neglected regions. The only thing that’s not getting better right now is climate change but the youth care about that more than ever so it seems like we’ll make headway on that once the old guard ends their watch. The youth are aldo much more progressive so with their ascent to power, I expect more power to return to the people and more scrutiny to befall the rich and powerful as it once was.

    What sort of critical life and death issues are getting worse in your perspective?

  • تحريرها كلها ممكن
    5 months ago

    That’s a very relative and personal question. Because for me the world is getting better. Not everyone lives in the US, here we graduate university with money saved instead of being in debt

    • @socsa@lemmy.ml
      -15 months ago

      Even in the US, there are tons of people who can openly live their lives who could not even 20 years ago. OP’s conjecture reeks of privilege.

    • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
      05 months ago

      This is my approach as well. If I can’t change it I don’t let it occupy my mind. I focus on actions I can take to make things better/mitigate problems for myself and the people I care about and that’s it.

      • @rufus@discuss.tchncs.de
        5 months ago

        I too think that this is the correct approach. I mean if you can’t change something, you can make a decision to either let it drag you down, or avoid it. I always try not to focus on negativity and I don’t like drama.

        Granted, this isn’t always easy. And I don’t know if this applies to (for example) the political situation and society in the US. I can’t relate to that too much. I mean there is so much populism and I don’t know what I’d do if half of my neighbors were in the mindset to vote for right-wing a-holes, there were hundreds of school shootings each year, my medication was unaffordable to me and women’s reproductive rights were cancelled. I mean you can’t really ‘avoid’ that. I don’t want to bash the USA but it’s somewhat beyond my own reality. I struggle with other things in my life. But all of that isn’t my achievement. I was simply born someplace else.

        • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
          05 months ago

          Granted, this isn’t always easy. And I don’t know if this applies to (for example) the political situation and society in the US. I can’t relate to that too much. I mean there is so much populism and I don’t know what I’d do if half of my neighbors were in the mindset to vote for right-wing a-holes, there were hundreds of school shootings each year, my medication was unaffordable to me and women’s reproductive rights were cancelled. I mean you can’t really ‘avoid’ that. I don’t want to bash the USA but it’s somewhat beyond my own reality. I struggle with other things in my life. But all of that isn’t my achievement. I was simply born someplace else.

          All that are things I can’t do anything about. so I don’t let it occupy my mind. I’m fortunate to be in good health but if that were to change I’d deal with it as best I can. Nothing I can do to make it cheaper. I vote for whatever good that does but outside election time I focus on things I can actually do.

  • PostColonialMyAss
    05 months ago

    To me it’s not a question of the world ending, but the apropos question posed by all people around the globe: when will the old world die. Like, seriously? A return to nationalism, continued exploitation of the poor, subjugation of individuality and culture?

    Oh the world will end, and it’ll end with guillotines. Republicans, democrats, EU neo-liberals, authoritarians like the Russia oligarchy, the Iranian oligarchy, the Saudi oligarchy, the Chinese oligarchy. All of it. Douse with fire, light a match and warm yourself.

    The world will end, but a new one will be born in its place. Maybe this time we don’t allow a bunch of oligarchs and elites to define the new world, because the last time that happened we got capitalism and the ongoing broken promise of “modernity”.

  • JoYo
    -15 months ago

    It’s always been like this for consciousness.

    That’s why any sufficiently advanced intelligence will never voluntarily become conscious.

    Everyone that has come before us has recognized this and still managed to keep going for as long as they can.

  • @Zippy@lemmy.world
    -15 months ago

    There is less poverty and less major wars than anytime pretty much in recent history. On a local level, individual crime is generally also at its lowest levels. It varies a bit year to year but we are living in one of the safest and prosperous times ever.

  • @socsa@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I think about how things actually were 50 years ago, and how every generation since the dawn of written history has the same exact end times mythology and then correctly conclude that I am merely suffering from the same delusion as nearly every human prior to me.

    Also I own a glock and three bullets.