I realize this is a Linux community, but I was wondering why you still hate Windows. I mean, I love Linux, but I will not argue that it’s more convenient to the average person in most use cases to use Windows, I recently had to switch back to Windows and I realized how convenient it all was and how I was missing so many things because of my love for Linux. But at this point, Linux is a part of my personality and my self-image and I will not leave it, but I gotta be honest, it’s pretty convenient being on Windows. So, why have you guys chosen to still stay on Linux? Some reasons I can appreciate include

  1. The terrible privacy policies of Microsoft. It sometimes makes you feel like your computer is not owned by you but lent to you by Big Tech.
  2. The community and the spirit of sharing
  3. The joy of “figuring it out” and customizing everything you want to the minutest details
  4. FREEDOM!!! sudo su Kinda ties into the previous points, but still one of the best selling points, the freedom to do whatever you want is liberating. You can run a server on it or you can create a script while knowing you have control over almost every FOSS app there is or just destroy your whole system with one command. Idk, feels good man!

These are the big ones, but one must realize you are sacrificing many things while not using windows too, productivity can be much greater there if you are a normie, it’s really convenient! So yeah! Give me your reasons! Also, how many of you dual boot?

  • UnfortunateShort@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I don’t hate Windows for work. On the clock, I am balls deep in their ecosystem and I can’t say that it’s not working. However, that’s probably because I get it mostly set-up by IT!

    Casual reminder that on Windows, it’s the norm to go fetch packages from the fucking internet using a web browser and give them root access to your system, including drivers…
    A lot of settings are still scattered as well, with stuff randomly hidden away, completely unconfigurable or named so it’s not at all clear what it even does.

    For everyday stuff like browsing, I totally do not see why people would want to use Windows.

    If it wasn’t for (some) ((multiplayer)) games and other Windows-only software, I wouldn’t recommend this OS to anyone at this point.

  • Presi300@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I hate windows 11, because it’s bad. Installing drivers is annoying, removing the ads and de-bloating a PAID operating system is just ridiculous. It’s also unstable, random crashes galore, uses a ton of system resources and sleep doesn’t work. As you mentioned yourself it’s also a privacy nightmare. But that’s not all of my reasons for hating windows…

    • Horrible CLI experience, can’t get any work done without needing to go through 15 different menus to find some arcane setting to adjust simple things like global variables. Powershell also has the habit of randomly forgetting that certain commands exist, I am aware it’s probably me doing something wrong there, but I do not care enough to figure it out, to me it just doesn’t work.

    • Horrendous laptop experience. 1:1 touch pad gestures? Smooth animations? A workflow that makes sense? Not on windows! And yk, sleep doesn’t work.

    • WORSE gaming performance on AMD graphics cards. Yep, this has been the case ever since I switched to AMD a few years ago and despite all their driver updates, I still get a much better performance in games on linux through wine. This is just ignoring the fact that radeon software on windows is a piece of fcking garbage that likes randomly crashing and then uninstalling itself.

    • Virtualization is bad. No KVM = bad for me… It’s just slower on windows and you can’t do fun stuff like GPU passtrough.

    • I can’t even fcking install windows 11 without doing ridicuous hacks to bypass the secure boot/TPM/other garbage.

    • No app store/normal package manager. Winget sucks… it just does. Yes, it’s better than nothing, no, it’s not good… Same goes for chocolatey. It’s nice, but it’s just not that good.

    Fundamentally, there are many reasons… A lot of which I’ve listed, to dislike windows. And I’m not a Linux elitist, my main work machine is a Mac, I just use what works best and windows just… doesn’t. It’s been enshittified beyond belief and even ignoring the enshittification, there are things that fundamentally prevent me from liking/using windows for anything more than a piracy machine… As that’s the one thing that’s easier on windows.

  • utopiah@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Because it’s a tool by one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, corporation ever made. It’s nothing more than a way to lock-in users deeper in an ecosystem of extortion and learned helplessness.

    Through Windows, computer users discover that they have a black box at work and then at home. It is NOT their computer. It is a computer that they are allowed to use a certain way. This then is extended in a myriad of ways, through other tools, e.g mobile phone, and services, e.g Office360, reinforcing that behavior. It becomes a second nature to the point that computer users dare not even imagine HOW they want to use a computer. Instead they buy whatever they are allowed to consume.

    I do not care for Windows as an OS, I absolutely do HATE it though as a vehicle for cognitive enslavement. I do so keeping in mind the history of the company that made it. It is not a repeated random process, it’s a strategy. This is what I find disgusting.

  • Peffse@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The “we know better than you” attitude Microsoft has. They’ve very slowly removed more and more power user functionality. Almost every customization has to be hacked in with a group policy or registry edit now, or by outright replacing explorer.exe

  • Matriks404@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I don’t think the ability to destroy your entire system by one command is a good thing for a desktop operating system. On Linux random program with root rights can bring down your entire system by one poorly written script, but Windows at least has multiple mechanisms in place to prevent that.

  • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Because my experience is always the exact opposite of yours. Windows has never been convenient for me, it always does random shit, and stuff just suddenly stops working because fuck you that’s why. For example, I have a Windows computer at work to build and test the games I work on, this week it decided that it won’t use more than 20% of the CPU for building the latest game, there’s no other bottleneck, temperature is stable at 60°C, disks have space, and most importantly, other games compile just fine, it’s just the one I’m actively working currently that doesn’t. And it’s not an issue in the code either since I’m the only person in the company experiencing this. And, this is the important part, I can’t do anything about it, because no one knows why Windows decided to do that, so there’s nothing anyone can do. On Linux when you have an issue there’s an explanation, and someone with enough experience will find it quickly, on Windows you can be the world’s expert and still the OS will just decide to nope the fuck out.

  • accideath@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    A few things (disclaimer, I‘m both a Linux and mac user. Linux on my gaming machine, mac on my work machines):

    • Privacy is a big factor. Microsofts track record is bad, even among non FOSS companies.

    • Bloatware and Ads. Microsofts insistence on pushing OneDrive, Edge, 365 and bing are annoying to say the least. Why do they think I’m going to change my mind about that after a minor update?

    • The UX is less than stellar. Why does the OS have 4 different UI styles for different programs that sometimes even do almost the same thing but not entirely, so you’ll have to use both versions?

    • It’s almost impossible for me to keep my desktop tidy short of not using it. I’m dependent on macOS stack feature. On Linux I never had enough random files for it to be a problem.

    In short, Windows just annoys me. While Linux and macOS go out of my way and let me just do my stuff, Windows just constantly pulling my attention away from what I advertised want to do and that was even when I was using my PC solely as a gaming machine.

    Edit: formatting

  • Treczoks@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Because I have to use this shitshow of a software at work because some companies use “license managers” that don’t work under Wine.

    • Nibodhika@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      You joke, but a few years back you could run KDE on Windows. I think that feature was abandoned though.

  • umami_wasabi@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I don’t know if I “hate” Windows but more like “I’m done dealing it.” I might come and use it time to time, but only when absolutely necessary, and the mental capacity to remove things I don’t need and make sure its removed.