So I’ve been drinking and it becomes like I drink water and I puke right away. So it’s like what’s the point of puking if I can’t get rid of all the toxicant in one go. I end up just puking whatever I put in. I assume puking is good but yeah I don’t get the point if it can’t be just a one time thing.

    3 months ago

    I have an interesting question regarding this. I drink occasionally but not to the point where I’m shitfaced, usually not feeling very drunk or not drunk at all and yet I still throw up.

    I throw up multiple times a couple of times in a row and I have no idea why this happens. I wouldn’t believe it’s alcohol poisoning since it has happened at as low as 3 beers (regular strength, not any ridiculous IPA type beers).

    I’m curious if any more educated people have any idea what this can be about. I’ve been trying to figure this shit out for years but have just mostly given up on drinking instead.