• Infynis@midwest.social
    4 months ago

    Patch of ice at an intersection caused me to lose traction just as I was about to go through, which saved me from getting t-boned by a truck running a red light

  • RozhkiNozhki@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    If being run over counts as an accident I’ve had a heavy truck blast past me a foot away from my face because the guy decided that all the other cars that stopped in front of the crossing to let me go were just slow idiots.

  • nyctre@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Last week an idiot driving on the 3rd lane. Leftmost lane. Fastest lane. However you wanna call it. Realized last second that she was gonna miss her exit from the highway.

    Decides fuck spending 5-10 minutes taking the next exit. From her lane, while only like 1-2 meters past me, decides to pull in front of me and starts braking. Then does the same to the guy on my right and again to the guy trying to exit. Thankfully I was paying attention and I started braking as soon as I saw her pulling in front of me. And thankfully the guy behind me was far enough and all. Nobody hit anybody, but it was fucking scary.

    People are fucking idiots.

  • expectation failed@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Four athletes and a trainer, en route to a state competition. Halfway to our destination, our vehicle decided to betray us, grinding to a halt. Time was ticking, the competition loomed, and panic started to set in. We called our friend.

    The rain was that sly drizzle, the kind that makes you think, “it’s nothing” but then your car hydroplanes and you’re suddenly facing a concrete wall.

    We in hurry, the narrow road and drizzling rain set the stage for disaster. As we navigated a very sharp turn, our friend lost control and, reacting instinctively, slammed on the brakes. The car spun wildly, multiple full 360, and we finally coming to rest in a ditch. Dazed and disoriented.

    Only God knows how, but we realized we were mostly unharmed, shaken but alive. And then, as if the scene wasn’t dramatic enough, a massive truck roared past. A few sec earlier, and the outcome could have been, well, definitely different.

    With a mix of relief and adrenaline, we climbed out. And there, just meters away, we spotted a somber reminder of our mortality - a cemetery. It was a sobering sight, and yet, we couldn’t help but find humor in the irony of it all. We burst into laughter, the tension finally breaking.

  • wellDuuh@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Man it’s gotta be the crossroads and intersections

    I haven’t been in it myself, but the horrors I’ve seen…

    It’s worth waiting an extra second after green-light, just to make sure you’ll not be T-boned.

  • SirSamuel@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I was driving an old work van on the highway, doing the speed limit of 65 mph (105 kph). As i crested the hill traffic was stopped a few hundred yards ahead. I had plenty of room to brake and come to a stop, a bit abrupt for the weight of the vehicle but no big deal. I applied the brakes and the pedal went right to the floor. The brake lines had blown out from corrosion. I was in the right lane and there was an exit ramp to my right. The stopped traffic was fast approaching. I dropped the automatic transmission into low gear (it was an older Chevy, so it had R N D 4 3 2 on the column) and swerved right, with what felt like a fraction of an inch to spare from the car in front of me. I swear I could see the sour expression of a woman who very nearly has her day ruined go by in slow motion, like that Umbrella Academy meme. The off ramp gave me time to pump the brakes and let the engine slow the vehicle down. I was fully prepared to throw it into park if necessary, but by the time I got to the intersection enough brake pressure had been regained to stop. Pulled off the road and had that POS towed to a garage.

    There was the time I high-sided my motorcycle, but OP asked for almost, not actual.

  • spittingimage@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    That would be the time I was in a car accident. Dude came barrelling down the wrong side of the street, my father swerved to get out of his way, but not enough. The driver side of the car got smashed. Never occurred to me before, but Dad was pretty lucky to walk away from that one. Our dude was all apologies, but in court he denied he was even there that day. We had witnesses, he lost, but somehow couldn’t afford to fix our car for us. We drove around like that for months.

    Weirdly, I’ve been tapped from the back three times while stopped at traffic lights. One taxi, one SUV and one bus. Hasn’t happened since I switched to driving a white car.

  • IphtashuFitz@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Getting rear ended on the highway by a drunk driver. Had all of about 1 second of warning when she slammed on her brakes and started skidding.