Lucifer, which means the bearer of light, in Greek mythology represented by Prometheus, who stole divine fire to give it to humans. The clergy naturally did not like this symbology, always doing everything to keep the people ignorant and for this reason, they turned Lucifer into a symbol of evil, just as they turned the snake that incited humans to eat from the tree of knowledge into sin. original. The true root of evil has always been the clergy for its own power and as a tool for the powerful which with a cultured people could not exist. Only possible to stay in power with an ignorant and submissive people with feelings of guilt.
I think you’ll find most satanists like Carl Sagan just as much or even more than Satan.
Church of Satan ones or Satanic Temple ones?
Very different answers there.
Even more variety when you get to the Luciferians.
I think we just call them furries.
Lucifer, which means the bearer of light, in Greek mythology represented by Prometheus, who stole divine fire to give it to humans. The clergy naturally did not like this symbology, always doing everything to keep the people ignorant and for this reason, they turned Lucifer into a symbol of evil, just as they turned the snake that incited humans to eat from the tree of knowledge into sin. original. The true root of evil has always been the clergy for its own power and as a tool for the powerful which with a cultured people could not exist. Only possible to stay in power with an ignorant and submissive people with feelings of guilt.
Shush… if theists could read they’d be upset!
I would care as much as a news story about a sack of rice being stolen in China.
Ironic, I’ve seen a Satanist being the guardian / guide to a furry in a full Suit at a con.
The furry wasn’t the Satanist though.
I was referring to the Luciferians