there’s more to an operating system that a program needs other than the kernel(?)
Yes, and the other parts have other names, like the toolkit GTK or the C standard library glibc and all those things make up a Linux distribution, like Fedora.
there’s more to an operating system that a program needs other than the kernel(?)
Yes, and the other parts have other names, like the toolkit GTK or the C standard library glibc and all those things make up a Linux distribution, like Fedora.
android just uses the kernel
Yes and the kernel’s name is “Linux”. No other software is named “Linux”. Ask Linus Torvalds if you don’t believe me.
not doubtful, a lot of compositors, kwin included can run nested.
It’s not a question if some of Plasma Mobile could run in that VM. It’s a question if anything usable is possible. I highly doubt Google will make it possible to call phone numbers etc. in that VM.
With diffs sometimes around 5m lines of code (in case of qcom)
Nobody’s denying that. Many embedded distributions targeted special hardware are like that.
Plasma Mobile for Android? 🤔
Doubtful. A VM doesn’t have access to the underlying hardware (unless explicitly passed through).
I’ll just run Linux shit on…Linux
Android is a variant of Linux, just not GNU/Linux because of not using glibc.
Internet surfing
Forget web browsing with 4GB RAM. You can completely disregard the comments recommending a “lite DE” when merely opening a modern web site will put the whole PC into crawling. The 150 MB more or less for different desktops are completely irrelevant then.
The best “newbie friendly” distribution is just plain Fedora Workstation but with only 4GB RAM it will be a pain to use no matter what.
Edit: If you’re a KDE user yourself, you’re best equipped to answer KDE-related questions.
I don’t have a Framework Laptop, can I still apply?
Our ambassadors need to be active users and owners of Framework Laptop(s)
That’s pathetic. In place of financial compensation, the least they could do is to give Framework notebooks away. Doesn’t even have to be a gift right away. There could be strings attached. “On loan first but you can keep it after X amount of time.”
Downsizing the number FOSS developers every couple of years is pretty much the standard in enterprises, yes.
That’s one way to stop outsourcing to India and create EU jobs.
Don’t advertise the theme as standards compliant then.
Again? Aren’t Mate and Cinnamon enough Gnome forks already?
If it’s sabotage, it would be kind of caring.
Why are you @ing people? Lemmy uses threaded comment trees, we can see who you are responding to!
OP is a Mastodon user who confused an unofficial 3rd party Lemmy community with Mozilla’s bug tracker.
For example, ever tried to share a webp image on MS Teams? You can’t; you have to convert it first.
That’s funny because the underlying Chromium engine reads WebP files just fine. Write a bug report to Microsoft. The error message is clearly a bug.
So nothing before 2020, got it. Smh
Windows supports WebP. Software that uses Windows APIs to read image files has no problem reading those even if it’s from before 2020. I forgot which application it was but in one case changing the file extension was enough for me.
Report your suggestion on and don’t tag a 3rd party Firefox community.
paid newsletters
Baffled those exist.
Not 2.0
So? Can’t be that long until it’s in Sid or at least an add-on repo.
Nothing screams “Workstation” louder than Reddit Mobile.