Well, yeah, but on the other hand: who else can I ask? Of course, nobody here knows me or my situation. But I do, and let me tell you: there is nobody who I can get some thoughts about this , some questions I didn’t consider yet, ideas on what to do…and maybe a little encouragement… I’m overwhelmed by the amount of people who cared and shared their thoughts
I’m neither an expert nor do I smoke. But from what I heard, quitting smoking has two major points- one being the nicotine addiction your body has built up. The second one being your ‘emotional addiction’, I.e being used to smoking as a tool to decompress, socialize, take a break, fight boredom etc. which is embedded in your routines - this one might be harder to fight. Maybe try to identify those things and find alternatives, start installing different ways to cope and simultaneously take care of your bodily addiction via gums, patches, whatever is the right way for you.