Instant mashed potatoes with American cheese melted in, and a variety of seasonings, butter, toppings etc. It’s a great, cheap way to make a bowl out of random leftovers, protein or whatever. But I wouldn’t dare serve it to someone.
‘quickadilla’ I’ll slap a tortilla on a cold pan, turn on the heat and build it right in the pan while it heats up with shredded cheese and left over meat. Takes 5 minutes and it’s at least as good as Taco Bell, and actually warm and melted.
More of a meal I’d actually be willing to share, but not brag about because it’s sort of a bastardization of cultures. But I’ll often make a curry using Japanese curry blocks, and season chicken in a vaguely Indian style, then put it over rice. Really simple and delicious. I’m kind of proud of it but I wouldn’t even know how to explain it to someone, much less actually serve it.
Ok this one is cursed. You win