This is still a good practice to find out who is actually working and who is thinking Zero-effort copy&paste will do.
Now you have all right to motivate your mate fixing their code. HF with the stick!
I manage my entire life with Logseq. Syncing is done via github, since I have nothing to hide there. I would recommend setting up your own gitlab server instead.
Is this the Linux premium subscription, we were all waiting for? So we get access to a terminal emulator for our money?
That moment when you wake up, still drunk from last night, and it’s slowly becoming clear what you have done during blackout.
From my experience, devs be like:
Backend, yay! Frontend, nay! … and I the end, not even the backend works properly.
Works for
current directory. Yay!… also works for
system root. 🔥 Nay!