This happend to me right noww as I tried to write a gui task manager for the GNU/Linux OS
Try it again
Do you know the definition of insanity?
Do you know the definition of insanity?
do you know software developers?
But did you get the reference?
I did, don’t worry
What’s really insane is that sometimes the second identical test actually works.
Then you breathe a sigh of relief, merge it with a comment of “bug fix”, write no documentation–especially about how it failed testing, and quit the gig during the inevitable helpdesk explosion; walking away from the fireball like the Michael Bay maniac you are.
How are you crashing your system?! Crashing program sure, but the entire system?
OPs example was task management, which doesn’t require kernel modules.
rm -rf <some placeholder>
Works for
current directory. Yay!… also works for
system root. 🔥 Nay!That won’t crash your kernel, and I was more curious about the OPs example. Task management is basically reading some files, and sending signals, it should be near impossible to crash the system.