Typical westerner living off the people of the global south’s labor
Of course you dont want change with your fuck you got mine attitude
Typical westerner living off the people of the global south’s labor
Of course you dont want change with your fuck you got mine attitude
Oh no the reporters are ze untermench
Hans get ze calipers
I can’t not think
I can’t rest
I like science. Science has shown that communism (for proletariat) and neoliberalism (for bourgies) are most effective and I dont see a lot of bourgies here.
Liberalism and stuff are like miasma theory or newton physics, outdated and incorrect.
(I think the left-right stuff is a distraction. Where is communism? On the left with the radlibs? No. On the right with the monarchists? No. There is no sliding scale between liberalism and communism as they are completely incompatible with each other.)
It has, actually. Got overrun by a bunch of bears
My computer is not powerful enough for it D:
Iran isn’t owned by zionists
Britain and usa are
Iran is closer to palestine than britain so their reporting will be more accurate
The non-crackers are a much bigger group than the genocidal crackers so from an utilitarian standpoint we should kill all crackers
How can you tell which mode was developed first and which one was tacked on?
In FE: Echoes SoV, for example, I’m pretty sure they developed easy mode first and hard mode got tacked on. But I only played hard mode. Did I play the game “wrong”?
Tailism never works
2001 probably when usa decided to declare war on the whole world