We really need to tax the mega rich. I compiled this list of numbers after the President speech last night, it’s kinda wild:
$ 99,000 - NationalMedianIncome is less than $100 thousand.
$ 1,000,000 - 1MillionDollars.
$ 485,000,000 - CutFunds to InternationalRelationsand whatever.
$ 1,000,000,000 - 1BillionDollars. There are over 400BillionairesinAmerica.
$ 22,000,000,000 - CutFunds to AmericanSocialSerivces through HHS (Human & HealthServices).
$ 244,000,000,000 - ElonMusksNetWorth.
$ 1,620,000,000,000 - 1TrillionDollars - Meta (Facebooks) CorporateNetWorth.
$19,900,000,000,000 - The U.S. NationalDebtinJan2017 (Obama to Trump)
$27,800,000,000,000 - The U.S. NationalDebtinJan2021 (Trump to Biden)
$36,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. NationalDebtinJan2025 (Biden to Trump)
We really need to tax the mega rich. I compiled this list of numbers after the President speech last night, it’s kinda wild:
$ 99,000 - National Median Income is less than $100 thousand. $ 1,000,000 - 1 Million Dollars. $ 485,000,000 - Cut Funds to International Relations and whatever. $ 1,000,000,000 - 1 Billion Dollars. There are over 400 Billionaires in America. $ 22,000,000,000 - Cut Funds to American Social Serivces through HHS (Human & Health Services). $ 244,000,000,000 - Elon Musks Net Worth. $ 1,620,000,000,000 - 1 Trillion Dollars - Meta (Facebooks) Corporate Net Worth. $19,900,000,000,000 - The U.S. National Debt in Jan 2017 (Obama to Trump) $27,800,000,000,000 - The U.S. National Debt in Jan 2021 (Trump to Biden) $36,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. National Debt in Jan 2025 (Biden to Trump)
(List of Mentioned Trump Cuts)