It’s not like any candidate was actually good but they did pick the worst one.

    4 months ago

    It’s funny, they say fascism happens in slow motion and no one expects it to actually happen until it’s to late.

    I really feel like we’re watching it happen in America.

    Everyone’s laughing at Trump’s stupidity while the systems to stop fascism are slowly destroyed behind the scenes.

    Feels like he’s just a distraction from what’s actually happening.

        34 months ago

        At this point it likely doesn’t matter. The US has fucked itself so hard. They’ll either fall or spend decades trying to get back to where they were.

      4 months ago

      netherlands, denmark, maybe germany, maybe finland. i’d most rather live in the netherlands or possibly denmark, although it’d probably make more sense for me to want to live in germany or finland because i don’t speak dutch or danish lmao. regardless though getting permanent residence in denmark or finland is practically a hopeless goal for a majority of people, so they’re basically out of the question

      i can get slovak, maybe german citizenship based on descent (i’m in the process of getting the stuff i need from the slovak government to apply for citizenship but they really take their sweet time) and i’m mostly a software guy so it’d probably make the most sense to move to one of those, however the netherlands probably holds way better opportunities for me

      for most people getting into another country (especially europe) is out of the question though, you either have to have extremely marketable work experience (like 3-5 years as an engineer or developer) or you have to happen to qualify for citizenship by descent and have the birth/marriage/death/citizenship/residence documents for it (e.g. anyone who had italian citizenship since 1860, anyone who lived in an area controlled by hungary ever since hungary existed, anyone who was polish 1920 or later, anyone who was czechoslovak or german for the past century, an irish grandfather)

        14 months ago

        Yea citizenship would be a rough go in some places. Hopefully my work experience at least gets me in and see how it goes from there.

  • kingthrillgore
    14 months ago

    The problem is I actually see Trump winning by breaking every system in the process and the ramifications will be, well, bad

    04 months ago

    Honestly this is just liberal strongman politics.

    Please learn to identify and complain about the things that are actually increasing fascism and not just be like “bad people might make the country bad if they’re in charge”

    -74 months ago

    Common China W. Americans literally dying as a nation day by day while China becomes the guardian of the world. Century of humiliation.

    Guess the capitalism didn’t pay off?