I find for coding problems it’s actually better to walk away and let it tick over in your mind.
You’ll often get a shower thought type moment.
I find for coding problems it’s actually better to walk away and let it tick over in your mind.
You’ll often get a shower thought type moment.
Medical test for competency would make sense.
My point is forced retirement is basically ageist.
I don’t think so. One you’d lose Bernie. Two it’s a bit harsh to assume anyone over a certain age isn’t mentally capable of governing or changing with the times.
I think term limits would serve you much better.
Wok is pretty standard here in the UK.
Maybe non native speaker. If you add “alone” in there it sounds fine.
Nazis are a pretty specific movement. I would go with fascists instead.
Open source doesn’t mean foss.
I think people being such zealots about getting paid is actually a huge problem with the open source community.
Giant corporations should absolutely pay to use these projects that are often labours of love done in spare time.
CSS and js are nothing to do with http. In fact neither is html really.
It’s just a protocol for transferring text.
I explained why they want that. You haven’t offered anything to explain why they are “gross”.
You didn’t really support your argument.
Presumably so they can be notified of messages when using a browser. They’re no different than any other notifications.
Given his age it should be easy to find
At this point it likely doesn’t matter. The US has fucked itself so hard. They’ll either fall or spend decades trying to get back to where they were.
It’s funny, they say fascism happens in slow motion and no one expects it to actually happen until it’s to late.
I really feel like we’re watching it happen in America.
Everyone’s laughing at Trump’s stupidity while the systems to stop fascism are slowly destroyed behind the scenes.
Feels like he’s just a distraction from what’s actually happening.
I tend to compare to myself from a x months ago or whatever.
As long as I’m improving I’m happy.
You can’t start something and expect to be better than people who’ve been doing it for years. That’s legit stupid.
I literally skip SO results now. Most of them are so out of date it’s often better to find an article or ask chatgpt
Google has one of the biggest data/ad empires on the planet and is doing just fine lol