• @myster0n@feddit.nl
    03 months ago

    Oh I’m very comfortable with it. In fact I haven’t owned a Ubisoft game in many, many years, and I wasn’t about to change that.

  • @golden_zealot@lemmy.ml
    03 months ago

    They already fucked me on this years ago. One day I logged into Uplay and Battlefield 3 and my 2 other games were just fucking gone. Haven’t touched them with a 10 foot pole since.

  • @banazir@lemmy.ml
    03 months ago

    Oh, fear not Ubisoft, I’m perfectly comfortable never owning any of your games again. Ever. Eat shit.

  • @Yerbouti@lemmy.ml
    03 months ago

    We already don’t own our games, because we can’t sell them. We used to be able to sell and exchange games, but with digital platforms like steam, we don’t have the right to sell them anymore, meaning we only bought the right to play the game, not owning it.

    • JackbyDev
      03 months ago

      Not that there are many pro NFT folks here, but even with that approach it’s still just a transferrable license that they can change to be meaningless.

  • @thoro@lemmy.ml
    03 months ago

    This is the direction the big companies are looking to move in. This is the direction Microsoft is banking on, too. Even if you like one service more, the end result may be the same. It’s a matter of time before we see subscription exclusives.

    GamePass subscribers are the pre-orderers and mtx consumers of yesteryear, normalizing the industry to practices harmful to general consumers.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    03 months ago

    I want Ubisoft to be comfortable with the fact that they cannot earn money increasingly every quarter, and they will fall off the cliff very hard.

  • @janonymous@lemmy.world
    03 months ago

    If your games are on steam, you’re already not owning them. The only difference seems to be that steam doesn’t demand a monthly subscription cost, yet

    We already have game pass so it’s not like this is something completely new either.

    If this makes money, other big publishers will join and in 10 years it’s the norm.

    Personally, I’ll try my best to keep buying on GOG and itch.io where I get to actually own my games.

  • @Weslee@lemmy.world
    03 months ago

    If paying full price and obtaining a digital copy isn’t ownership, then taking that digital copy without paying can’t be stealing can it?

    • @Katana314@lemmy.world
      03 months ago

      I’m not sure how you drew this conclusion, since most people I know consider paying full price to obtain a digital copy to be extremely close to ownership.

      I liked Telltale’s Law and Order series. They can’t sell it anymore, but I can still download my digital copy because I bought it full price.

      The whole argument in the article is about monthly subscription rentals.

      • @nickhammes@lemmy.world
        03 months ago

        When a contract ending almost caused Sony to remove all Discovery content from users last year, including digital copies of things people had paid full price for, the cracks between buying a digital license and actually owning something that can’t be taken away became more visible to a chunk of people. It’s something, but it’s not ownership, and it can be taken away based on agreements you may have no way of gaining insight into.

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, his)
    03 months ago

    One thing I read (a lot, oddly) is that GamePass is ‘really popular’/the most popular ‘subscription’ service, but I have never met anyone who uses it.

    I checked the numbers of people using GamePass, and it seems the numbers have gone:

    2021 - 23 million

    2022 - 25 million

    2023 - there was a brief post on linkedin saying 30 million, but it was removed.

    If even the most popular service is struggling to pass 30 million users, how exactly is Ubisoft going to compete? There’s what, 120 million people with Xbox subscriptions, and they can barely get 1/4 of them to use GamePass?

    It’s interesting to watch ‘AAA’ studios absolutely faceplanting every year now, hopefully we can make a full indie-sweep soon.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    -13 months ago

    It’s rather amusing how everything people fear happening under communism comes to pass under capitalism in one way or another. Turns out that it is the capitalists who aim to strip individuals of their personal property by transforming everything into a rental service. You see, you no longer possess your media, books, computer, phone, or any other device; they’ve all been transformed into internet-connected subscriptions. The moment you cease paying or when the company decides to discontinue its services, you find yourself in quite an unfortunate predicament.